Happy Festivus!
We wish you a happy Festivus,
We wish you a happy Festivus,
We wish you a happy Festivus,
and a constructive airing of the grievances!
Happy holidays y'all.
My home scales say I'm down to 369.
My BMI is inching slowly towards the 40s and I am in danger of being able to weigh m'self on the balance scales at my doctor's office for the first time in about 5 years.
Lordy folks, this seems to be...dare I say it...*whispered* working......
Awww! Thankee!
We managed to have a good Christmas. We saw the family, referred several altercations between two 5 year old boys, rode herd on an ambitious 14 month old with visions of monkey-dom and ate wonderful food. I didn't overeat or barf.
My hair is starting to fall out but I'm not going to let that bother me!