just starting my journey
Hi my name is jackie I am looking for some information on lap band surgeries I have tried all kinds of diets and diet pills and I haven't had any good luck with any of them I really need to lose the weight because I am having foot problems because I stand on them alot. I just filled out my insurance papers for blue cross blue shield. I would like to have information on pphyscians and surgeons.
Well, welcome and no, usually diets and pills do not work when you are more than 30-40 pounds overweight for most of us anyway - I dieted myself right up to around 300 pounds (lose some, gain more, etc. LOL)....There are a few on this board who have had banding, and hopefully they can give you more insight...
Good luck, and post often, ask lots of questions...
Hi Jacqueline,
I have a LAP-BAND and my surgeon is in Jackson. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. You may either post your questions to the board or send me a private email at [email protected]. Just let me know how I can help.
We're glad you found our forum and we welcome your questions and input.
Vivian S.
Hello vivian how long have you had the lap band and how much weight have you lostl iI am afraid to have the surgery where they cut the fat off of you. have you had any problems with the lap=band? did you have to stay in the hospital? If you did how long? I have a lot of questions i hope that i don't get on your nerve for asking so much.
Hi Jacqueline,
Mine is a long story. If you'll email me privately at [email protected], I'll tell you all about it. I don't want to bore the rest of the forum with the same old story. One of these days when I have time, I'll update my profile with all of the facts. I'm happy to answer any questions. I have lost approximately 43 lbs and currently my average weight loss per week is 1-2 lbs a week. My band slipped from my first surgery in Mexico. My new surgeon in Jackson monitors my weight loss very closely and will not give me a larger fill as long as I am continuing to lose 1-2 lbs. a week. I stay frustrated because of this, but I trust and respect him and wouldn't trade doctors for anything. If you need more details, please email me and I'll be happy to answer.
Vivian S.