I Didn't Make It.....
...to Mistletoe Marketplace. I had taken off yesterday to go. When I woke up, I didn't feel like getting on the treadmill but I reasoned I'd be doing a lot of walking that day. So I had a protein drink and then a graham cracker. The cracker didn't seem to be going down very well but I thought maybe it was because it was fat free and maybe had increased sugar. I went on and took my shower and started getting ready to go. While I was putting on my makeup, I had my first attack of diarreah. Then another and another. I thought it was over and we decided to try to go to Jackson. Got a block away and had to turn around.
Not to be gross, but I made TWENTY-ONE trips to the potty and vomited twice! I don't know if I picked up a virus or if it was something I ate the night before. About three o'clock I called my surgeon's office to see if it was ok to take Imodium. The nurse said yes and cautioned me about dehydration and to go the ER if it didn't stop. I also called my PCP's office but it was my dr's day off and the on-call dr's nurse didn't seem too interested in helping me. I think once I said that I've had WLS it was like a stop sign. Like she was thinking well that's your problem, you need to call your surgeon. I tried to explain to her that I've had dumping but this was different. I don't know if it's the WLS that puts them off or the fact that I went out of town to have it done.
Anyway, I survived, the big D stopped, but my stomach feels raw inside today. I'm supposed to go to my aunt's today for a family get together, but I'm afraid to go in case it was a bug. Don't want to make everyone else sick. Has anyone else had stomach flu since having surgery? How do you know what it is? How did you cope?
Thanks for listening y'all,
we've been battling this bug in my household for the past three weeks. First my four year old (no throwing up, no nausea, just a hundred trips to the potty with diarrhea). Then I had it, and most recently my husband. For each of us, it lasted 3 to 4 days (even with not eating). Honestly, even as a nurse, I was astounded by the sheer volume (i.e. number of trips to the BR) of poop we had in our system! And the raw painful stomache kind of went along with it.
I hope you're better soon. Be very careful re: dehydration. I got dizzy and lightheaded a few days because of it. But definitely sounds like you have that gastro-bug that's going around.