I have a stupid question
Bare with me....I'm getting this question alot and wanted to ask ya'll experts. What's the difference in having WLS and loosing weight the "impossible" way? I mean I realize even after WLS you have to exercise and continue to eat properly so how is that any different than doing that prior to surgery? I realize alot of people need to have the surgery to even be able to exercise. Don't get me wrong....I'm wanting the surgery deperately too and I know it will be hard work afterward so I'm asking so I can better explain to the people who are asking me. And why for heaven sake does every person you mention it to have to tell you about someone who died or someone they know who had terrible side effects? Do I really need to hear every negative that has ever happened?

Jereni, not a stupid question at all. Let them tell you all about the people who died or the ones that had sever complications or whatever.... but in the back of your mind, you need to remember that everyone is different. Any doctor you meet with will tell you the side effects and the negatives things that COULD happen to you. That doesn't mean they will happen to you. If you want this surgery, then you're gonna have to stay positive about it all.
This is my personal story... a week before surgery I went on the slim fast diet because my doctor wanted me to lose some weight, not gain it. I did the 2 slim fast drinks with a sensible dinner. The day I went into the hospital for blood work and them weighing me and such... in 7 days, I had lost 13 pounds. So, they take me to my room to get my gown on and hook up the IV's and such... I sat there thinking and telling my mom, if I can lose 13 pounds in one week on slim fast, why am I having this surgery?? I really did question it... she made me realize that I couldn't exercise with the weight I was carrying. But, most importantly, I had a 18 month old son that needed me around. I had the surgery because it was for the long haul and I needed that tool to get me where I had plans to go.
Just remember that the surgery is a "tool"... It will help you get to where you want to be. Its up to you to eat the right things and to exercise as often as you can. I saw that you're married and have kids on your profile... they should be your inspiration to make it work for you.
On another note, I had my surgery July 31st of this year and I'm down 60 lbs. and exercise 3 days a week at Fitness Lady. I'm to the point of being able to walk for long distances without having to sit down. And playing with my son is soooo much easier now!
Good luck with everything!! Feel free to email me if you want....

No question too stupid.....It is a personal decision to make - I know that most morbidly obese people cannot lose weight - sure we can lose 15-30-50 pounds, only to gain that back plus more - I dieted myself right up to 300 pounds, everytime I would lose I would gain back that plus more. I was actually afraid to diet any more, my metabolism was so messed up.
And, you are right, it seems like LOTS of people have something negative to say about it, somebody who died, had major problems, etc. It is also true that morbidly obese people die or have worse complications from just being overweight...
Well that's all the quick answers I could come up with for the moment, but you just ask anything you need (or want) to ask. There are people who have had complications from surgery, but the majority of us are VERY happy with this decision to have WLS...
Good luck - DeAnna
Welcome to the WLS World!!!
The surgery is in my opinion a "jumpstart" to lose a massive amount of weight under Dr. supervison. The rest is up to the individual. HOW BAD SOMEONE WANTS TO KEEP LOST WEIGHT OFF.
You are right the first few days of a "new diet" (such as slim-fast, Weigh****chers, magazine diets, Nutri-system, and etc) are the "honeymoon" phase. You are right most of us lose a lot the first few weeks. And then the "slowdown". Well, that just is not going to work for people who like me who are morbidly obese. I was nearly 400 lbs. You name the diet or pill I probably tried since the age of 13 when I started diet pills.
From now on you will be the target of rude, jealous, scare tactics. HANG TIGHT!! I AM HERE FOR YOU AS WELL AS OTHERS ON THE BOARD.
I teach school and work at Wal-Mart. My customers at Wal-Mart had more than enough statements.
You will all kinds of remarks. Get ready for the questions about cost, such as " you could have a new car for that price" (yea--but I probably could not fit in it because the seat is not broken down from years of wear from my heavy butt" and " why do you want to risk dying?" (my answer in my heart was I had already died because I had NO QUALITY OF LIFE AS A MORBIDLY OBESE PERSON)
Sugar-- I mean it, we are here for you. This is MAJ0R SURGERY --- NOT JUST A VANITY TOUCH UP. It requires deep commitment and prayer.
Please post any question or email me .
Best wishes........glenda
Rny 02.02.2004 250 lbs lost!!!!!!!
My soulution, this was a very personal decsion that I chose to make. I did not tell anyone but my DH and Mom. When I got my Insurance approval I told my 2 grown boys. When it came down to 2 week to surgery I told my brother and his family and my niece. Then a week before surgery I told my best friend. Then after surgery I told my sister.
As far as the general public, they do not know and it is none of thier business. Like was said before in an previous post , this was NOT for vanity but for getting my life back.
You hang in there and stand up for yourself. You are in my prayers.
Cindi M

Hey Girl!!! I did read your post the other day but my life seems so hectic lately. As far as what people say, try not to let it get to you. Everyone has an opinion; however, unless you've walked a mile in our shoes then no one knows truly what it's like on a daily basis. For that reason, I didn't tell people that I was having surgery because of their negativity. That's not something you really need at this point. When people ask me if I've lost weight, I just reply "a little bit." When I'm comfortable telling them, I will. Also, as far as death; if you have any of the co-morbidities that most of us had/have, then you're at risk for a shortened life span anyway. You just continue to pray and seek God for guidance and disregard those with nothing positive to say. You know that you can and will find love and support here @ OH.
Your friend,
Ree Ree
Don't let anyone discourage you from your decision. If you could lose weight the regular way you would have! I heard all kinds of bad things, I would do it again in a heart beat. I didn't have any problems. I have thrown up alot but only when I have done things that I shouldn't have. Not chewing things fully, mixing stuff that didn't set all that well.
I didn't tell anyone that I was having surgery except my boss due to the time off. When I got a date it was 2 days after Christmas and that was hard to eat just one meal a day, but i wanted the surgery really bad. It is truely a "tool" that you can abuse just like anything else.
Good luck with yours and I hope things go well for you.