OMG it is GETTING CLOSE!!!!!!!
2 weeks from tomorrow, I will be REBORN!!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!! I still have TOOOOO MCUH TO DO!!!!!! Yikes...
I am ready for this though...just need to get my BUTT in gear! I am going CRAZY!! I work the next 3 days, have off saturday, go to atlanta sun-tues. My mom is coming in that tuesday to stay for 2 months... I go back to work the day after and wor****il sunday at least... my pre-op appt is on Thursday of next week... I have to pay my bills up, get my car tags and inspected - just realized i HAVE NOT DONE my taxes yet, I think they were due in August weren't they? Still have paining to do, cleaning and laundry, go shopping, pack for the trip to pensacola, clear my stuff out of storage and actually put it back in the house...oh the list goes on, and on, and on, and on.............. OMG what am I gonna do!!!! I guess get my arse in gear and get 'er done!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO
Well, I am beat... Good night