Couple of questions... Okay 3
Please email me a copy of the WLS cookbook please, I am always looking for new pouch friendly recipes. I have my days when nothing wants to work for me, still, after 18 months.
[email protected]
ketchup -- i have no problems with it, I drink koolaid (sf) and a couple of months after surgery I had sweet tea with splenda, they also make diet v8 splash that's good. My fave is tropical punch sf koolaid.
with meat, i had problems with fried chicken, and roast. yeah i was one of them daredevils and tried it about two months out. chicken made me sick, almost everytime I threw it up. now Im 9 months out, I can eat it, but only if its moist and i have to chew chew chew! steak is the hardest on my stomach but i can eat it, just very slowly. i would try tuna, and maybe the chicken you can buy in the can like tuna to start with. Hot dogs are fatty and they made me dump, which is not pleasant!
Hope this helps
You dont consume enough catsup to worry about the sugar.
Drinking is a problem for me. I cannot seem to drink water like I should. I still have my SF red bulls and a glass of real sweet tea at lunch. Sometimes I drink diet sodas but not often.
I used to make my tea with splenda but I was the only one who would drink it and it went to waste since I didnt drink enough of it. Funny how if your family knows its splenda they dont touch it... If they dont know - a pitcher is gone in an hour... Hmmm... Brats!
Hot dogs and ground beef--- I had a real hard time with ground beef for A LONG time. Hot dogs were not a problem. I think once I was allowed to have real food (2 weeks post op) I ate weenies raw. I chewed them up really good. If you like steak - be very careful-- chew it up so good. I had one about 4 mos post op and it was dry and it about killed me. It hurt so bad I went to the doctor after several days in pain. I didnt know what it was. It ended up being that steak stuck. Just remember to always have meat tenderizer on hand.