Why no weight loss for some?

on 9/6/06 3:14 am - MS
I am trying to get set up for the Lap Band surgery, and I have seen the stats showing no weight loss for some people. Why? I don't understand how the stomach can be made so much smaller, and some still not lose weight. I am so afraid that would happen to me. After I went through the cost and discomfort of surgery, I would be very, very upset and disappointed if I didn't lose at a minimum 25% or so of my excess weight. (I am about 100 pounds overweight now, and would like to lose at least 50 or 60 pounds. Is that reasonable?)
on 9/6/06 5:01 am - Iuka, MS
Vicky, I am having Lapband Surgery on the 18th of this month. My Doctor said I should easily lose 50-60% of my excess weight and more if I work at my food and exercise. He said you only fail if you don't use this TOOL correctly and it is up to us to make it work. I, like you need to lose 100 pounds but would be happy with 75. I think all 100 pounds is reasonable but it won't be easy. Cindi
Arlies Q
on 9/6/06 1:12 pm - Brandon, MS
DISCLAIMER......I am an RNY'er ie, I may not know what I am talking about!........ The tummy is NOT made smaller on the Lap Band, but the intake amount is restricted. It is my understanding that IF YOU FOLLOW the rules, the weight loss should be somewhat similar to the RNY weight loss, tho a tad bit slower. I have a cousin that had the lap band and from all appearances, she has not lost any weight, but she also has not done her followup fills and I don't know about following the rules, but my best guess is she didn't. I think you will be okay and will lose weight with the lap band if you are committed to it. Good luck and keep us posted. smoochers Arlies
Cheryl Lee
on 9/6/06 1:27 pm - Brookhaven, MS
The lap band was a surgery that I very seriously considered. But then I found out that you have to go back to have the band adjusted very frequently. Although it is done in the office, it is still a surgical procedure, and that did not make me feel good. I also read a lot of things in JAMA (a professional medical journal) and apparently the research about gastric has revealed that when you have a gastric bypass done, a chemical reaction develops, to signal the brain about fullness, something that does not happen with the lap band. Some patients try to "eat around" the band and they also do this with a RNY. You can get calories if you want to get them. Remember for most of us, we are addicts just like someone on drugs. For me, I am a sugar addict. The lap band means that you can eat sugary things, but for me, as a gastric by-pass patient, my surgeon was good enough that I cannot eat sugar, I get a tummy ache and DUMP!!!! So.... for me I was able to get off of the sugar, and lost 100 percent of my excess weight. Everyone does gain back some after a few years, but you can watch your diet and control what you eat. I just felt that 50% of my weight loss was not enough to justify having to go to the doctor monthly to have the band adjusted, then finally maybe removal of the band.... I would be back to square one, and have spent a lot of money, time and self-esteem in the process. I decided that Gastric By-Pass was the path for me, I havent regretted it, and one year out, still follow my diet plan and am committed to having a new healthy life style. Sure, I cannot eat stuff, but now my cravings have stopped, I don't want it anymore, a wonderful by-product of Gastric, which banding does not offer...... If you are 100 pounds overweight, why not lose all of it? Dont go halfway, go all the way, you will be glad you did in the long run...... Cheryl
on 9/8/06 5:53 pm - Hattiesburg, MS
VIcky, I only know one person who had the lap band. She came to one of our support meetings. Her surgery was almost 2 years ago and she had only lost like 45-60 pounds. I cannot remember which. I do not know enough about it. Good luck to you. It may depend on the fills and what you eat. I dont know.
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