Please Pray Sorry haven't posted in awhile
Hi everybody ,
I have been in a whirlwind with the kindey surgery. As of today I have had three.
Number 4 is on Tuesday 15, the doctor says hopefully my last. God I hope so .
I know one thing I will never wear a two piece swim suit.( The scars are that bad)
My doctor kepts telling me that the weight loss will come back on track after all
this stuff is over with. Well after 6 week , and no weight loss I'am kinda down about
Before the 1st kidney surgery I was walking 5 miles a day twice aday.
Since my last surgery they will not let me do anything.Yes I'am going crazy and
as they tell me I 'am driving my whole famliy crazy too.
So please if you can include me in your prayers.
God Bless
Wanda Weimer
Those boys are so rotten! Brendan started kindergarten this year and out of the four days he went last week, three of these days he got sad faces and the teacher wrote big long notes about stuff that he was doing wrong! I sure hope this is not a sign of what the whole school year is going to be like. He went to pre-kindergarten at his daycare and yes, he had his days, but he was a good kid and he certainly didn't get ugly notes every day! Thank goodness Josh is getting along with his teachers! He is enjoying the 6th grade so far, maybe he will sail thru with no problems!
Danny is as bad as ever, he told everyone at work that he got a new wife without having to trade in the old one! lol
Email me sometime and keep me posted on how you are doing!
Love ya,