Help with Protein drinks!!
Hey Girls... I'm having a hard time trying to find protein drinks. Surgery is still Monday and I would like to get them before I go in, so I'll have them at the house when I get home.
Where do I go to get them? What brand is everyone drinking? I know everyone is different and I've been told not to try anything now because my taste buds will change after surgery. I've been told to get Sugar Free Slim Fast... I can't even find the stuff. Not even on the slim fast website. Oh and most protein drinks I've looked at have sugar in them.
Oh and I found the Carnation Sugar Free Instant Breakfast today at Walmart... That even has like 1 or 2 grams of sugar in it. I thought everything we eat after surgery has to be sugar free. We're not allowed sugar,right??!
Help somebody!! I'm worrying about all this big time... Probably for no reason, but I like to be prepared.
Can't help you much there.. Every doc is different also. I could not have protein drinks or anything other than clear liquids for two weeks after surgery, then full liquids for about 4 to 6 weeks...Added protein at my 1 month visit I believe....I have seen a lot of the others have the sf carnation, even with the little bit of sugar. I have been having just the Walmart whey protein for a couple of years now. It is what I like and I have not even read the sugar amount on the box...
But congrats on surgery, can't wait to hear from you..D.
Andie and I just had 3krispy cream donuts, and we are still living!!SO i think the 1 or 2 grams of sugar in the CIB will be fine!!!! haha Seriously i used that right after surgery and i never dumped on it( but then again i never dump on anything)!Just dont go eatting donuts and cakes and cookies andcandy and ice cream and well you get the picture****il you are at least 6 mos out!!!!!haha )
I also used unjury protein right after surgery , dont think it had much if any sugar in it!!now i use ON 100% any whey from GNC its GOOD and MUCH cheaper than unjury . ALSO the carb countdown chcoclate milk is what they gave me in the hospital it has a good amount of protein and its YUMMY!!
most of this eatting stuff is trial and error ,not everybody can handle the same stuff! So dont stress out , you will figure it out!
yhea i agree with what DeAnna SAID !! YOU need to be on the board more!! YOU have a HEAD full of info that nimrods like me need to know !!!!YOU are the Smartest person i know so get on here more often and help us out!!!!!!! I know that you dont have anything else better to do!! haha
Oh and GLAD to see you made it home safe , sorry i made you eat a the donuts!! I got home late yesterday, all day on at the lake on the boat, I was too chicken to ski, but at any rate i was wiped out so im just know getting on the puter!! Oh yhea and you know why i deleted that song, OOPS this aint Myspace is it ? I talk to you so many differant places the conversations start to run together!! haha Anyway thats your song now so ENJOY!!!!!! hahahahaha I got to find me a new one today!! I got my girl Fergie on now, kinda more fitting , dont ya think??????????
talk to ya soon,
I was also on a weird post-op diet---clears for a week, then to fulls, then pureed, etc. So it took a few weeks before I was doing anythign close to high protein. I drank a lot of juice from chicken noodle soup the first week. It tasted better than bullioun cubes and was relatively decent in the nourishment (i.e. low cal vs. protein vs. sugar). My physician recommended the carnation instant breakfast, but I couldn't stand the stuff. I found it at Kroger and bought two boxes of it and drank exactly two sips of it and spit it out. My tastes have changed since surgery, but I didn't like it before and stilld on't like it after.
As for protein drinks--now that I'm a few months out, I do rely alot on protein drinks as my breakfast (my mornings just don't give me time to sit and eat--so I drink in the car on the way to work). I didn't like the Slim fast brand...they seemed gritty. I do like the Atkins Advantage (only the chocolate flavor--though I have done the strawberry flavor in a smoothie). There is also a wal-mart brand called carbdown (or something similar) it tastes alot richer than the atkins ones and is alot like nestle quick (something else i don't really like, but i can see that it would be good for ppl who like that). There's also the debate between pre-made protein drinks and making your own with the powder. I'm very sensitive to texture and I HATE the powders...even though I relaly like the pre-made atkins advantage, I cannot tolerate the atkins advantage mix where you make your own. I know it's more economical and supposedly the same stuff, but my mouth doesn't think so.
So my best advice is to get small amounts (on sale if possible) to try it to see if you like it before you 'stock up'. maybe even swap with some ppl with similar diets. that's how i got rid of alot of my trial and error...i gave it to someone who would use it.
good luck.
Hi Karine !
Like Dawn already said, we just had our three donuts this morning and we're still alive.. the bottom line is, you're SUPPOSED to do the sugar free thing after surgery to help you lose weight effectively and quickly, as well as not test your limits as for tolerance. 1-2 grams of sugar are NOTHING!!! Most of the protein shakes have that much and they won't hurt you. Actually per my surgeon, you can have up to 15 g a sugar without dumping, anything above that you'll risk that wonderful feeling of cold sweat, feeling like you're going to pass out and wanting to die for about two hours.. and it's temporary , thank goodness. You will find soon, once you're able to eat normal foods again, that you have a limit of tolerance and you will find it through trial and error. Most of us DO live sugar free, yet we do treat ourselves every now and then. After all surgery was to help us deal with the problem, not to eliminate it. We eat normal foods, just smaller portions and better choices of food. Sugar free, low fat and low carb, high protein basically. Carnation was never my choice. I lived on Unjury and Matrix for many, many months until I got used to eating regular foods again. Don't hesitate to come here to ask, we 've got your answers !!! Good luck and don't sweat it. You'll be just fine
334/201/never gonna get to goal eating donuts LOL j/k will be 173 one day

DeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I know.. sometimes I'm just a bit blunt.. but I can't help it. Some of the gurus on these boards just won't admit to being bad sometimes and eating things they "shouldn't " be eating.. in return making others feel guilty.
I would like to see more people just admit to reality and say " times, we do eat bad stuff.. " and make the preops a little more confident, and not as scared of sugar.
Ya know.. did we get sick from them three donuts? heck yea we did ~ SICK AS DOGS and regretted it and only do it once every blue moon.. but I'd hate for someone to THINK that they can never have sugar again, ya know. It's a natural thing. Sugar isn't "evil" !!
ONE donut is ok.. two not advisable... ( :: thinking hard.. bad bad donuts !! ::: ) and three.. DEFINITELY a dumping waiting to happen.
Those 15 grams as a limit is a pretty good rule of thumb for most of us though.
Anyways..... just thought I'd say hi from rainy Jacksonville FL tonite. When u all coming to visit me? HUH??? I just passed thru and spent the nite at Dawn's house and lemme tell ya.. the weather in MS SUCKED hehe