Jim's Cardio visit....
Jim saw Dr. Winniford at UMC. He seemed like a very knowledgeable, competent Doc. I liked his manner. He said JIm's stress test was "vague and Ill-defined" meaning he could have cardiovascular disease or he could not. However, one glimmer of hope was that the abnormalities shown on the stress test CAN BE CAUSED by significant cardiovasular disease, but NOT USUALLY. He is very, very, very concerned because JIm has some really major risk factors:
1. insulin dependency
2. high bp
3. high colestrol (sp)
4. smoking (tho I am not supposed to know he is a secret smoker...so shh!!!! don't tell him I know.)
5. family history (mother died at 68 , Grandfather at 54, and 1st cousin at 54 all from heart attacks.)
6. bad kidneys
Jim needs to have a heart catheritzation(sp), BUT he has bad kidneys and the dye used could cause him to have to go on dialysis - a little bit of dye is safer tho than undiagnosed cardiovascular disease.
So they are gonna redo his stress test - this time it will be a ECHO stress test and they will use a drug called dibutamean (spelled phonetically!) rather than the nuclear stuff. If that looks bad, they will then do a heart cath with as little dye as possible.
The really scarey thing that the Doc said was that if it is heart failure and kidney failure rather than cardiovascular disease, EVERYTHING POSSIBLE MEDICALLY IS ALREADY BEING DONE FOR HIM THRU HIS MEDS....Scares me cause I see him going downhill quickly and I told the Doc that and he re-iterated, "everything is already being done for him medically."
So bascially, we don't know anything for sure, but the nurse will call tomorrow wtih a new stress test appointment.
So who else's hair is greying up quickly????
My precious Queen, I so wish you had gotten some better answers today.... I hate that our man has to go thru that stress test again as well as a possible heart cath, but if it will help them figure out what is going on! Be sure to let me know when they set up his appoinment for the next round of testing!
Call me if you need me!