It's a GO! What should I do?
Hey Everyone... Things are moving along quite well for me. I go for my pre-op appointments this Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday I meet with Adam at CMMC to go over what to expect after surgery. On Thursday, I meet with the nutrition counselor and my surgeon. I guess at that time is when I'll schedule my surgery. How soon was your surgery scheduled after your pre-op appointment?
I'm pretty excited but also nervous. What should I be doing now at this stage to prepare myself for after surgery? I was a big Dr. Pepper drinker before, but since I've started all this, I have cut out the sodas and have been drinking some crystal light or just plain water. What else can I be doing? Any and all opinions, suggestions, or whatever you want to call them... will be welcomed!!!
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts!

Hey girl, you must come over and play with us sometime. My chair should be fixed Wed and I 'll be back at the pool all the time! Come swim!
I don't know about the lenght of time with CMMC, but the best thing I did before the surgery to get ready was one month prior, I went on the no-sugar/no-flour diet that the Doc in the paper pushes. Basically if an item has sugar or flour in it, you don't eat it. It elimates about 95% of the food in the world!!!! - or at least it seemed like it did! I liked it because there was no limit on the amount, but I'll tell you even pre-op, you just can't eat a ton of meats and veggies without filling up!
Good luck and hope the time passes swiftly for you!

congrats on your surgery coming up. I have 2 suggestions find a great protein shake I use UNJURY you can only get it on line but I think it is one of the best. It is easy to digest. Some of the other girls use it too. Also look for a very good multivitamin or wait till your appt and have your doctor suggest one for you. The water drinking is soooooo important!!!!! That is great you have started. Find a source of excersise you enjoy too. That is ther other part that is so important. If you dont like it you wont do it. Then relax rest or maybe find a recliner or a way to prop yourself up after surgery. Most of us couldnt lay flat for a while. We are all here for you for support and just to listen to and pray for you. Take care and best of luck!!!!! OH--- if your doctor gives you a incentive spirometer USE IT!!!!! It will help you after surgery to get the anesthesia out of your lungs so you dont get pneumonia.