5 Days postop! Help with protein
What kind of protein are you using? I would suggest that you get something that you can mix with milk, make yourself a smoothie or something that way it gets blended up really well. I used to order Unjury unflavored and mix it with my pudding, my oatmeal just anything that I could. Best of luck!
I mix my protein with skim milk and i put it in the blender with ice and its good!! I use On 100% any whey protein i buy it at rite aid or any GNC ! I like the chocolate, the homemade vanilla ice cream ( mix it with a frozen banana, and YUM) oh the the Mint choco chip is great too!!!
hope this help, OFF to make me a protein shake now, you made me want one!! haha
I used liquid protein. It has a strong punch flavor. You only have to swallow three tablespoons at a time. You can get it from GNC. My problem was I could not drink alot at one time. Also, GNC has a protein pudding that comes in a can that you can take to work. Pop the top and you get 20 grams of proetin!

Sundra I use Unjury protein I like chocolate the best but they will send samples for free of all the flavors they have. It takes about 2 days to get it. I mix mine with a hand mixer NOT a regular spoon. It takes me 30 minutes or so to drink it and it stays mixed the whole time. I thinK it is a very easy digestable whey protein. I use fat free milk. With the shake mix and the milk you get 29 grams of protein. Go to www.unjury.com thier phone number is there or you can order on line. Hope this helps. I tried tons of shakes before I found this one. I wish I would have tried this one first. Take care