not hungry but CRAVING food
In a way it's funny , but it's not. Food is dancing thru my mind. Pizza, hamburgers, chili dogs, fried chicken,etc. Whats really funny is I'm not much on peanut butter (unless its in candy) but I'm seriously craving a p.b & banana sandwich on toasted bread. I've never even ate a p.b & banana sandwich! Anyway, i'm trying to comfort myself & tell myself some of this stuff I may eventually have in moderation or find a nice substitution for but I'm still craving like crazy. Am I the first who has seriously thought of puree'ing pizza? ok, I know thats a bad idea.
I know i still haven't told ya'll about my experience but I will later, i promise.
I really liked the idea of the bash in brookhaven. Bet that'll be so fun. Clothes swap would thrill me lol. But I can't cuz it's too soon for me. Good news is my sister's neighbor has a relative that gives her tons of stuff to go thru. What she doesn't want she gives away. She gave my sis several garbage bags of clothes. My sis said most sizes are a 10 but if I have sucess w/ the surgery, i'll need those eventually. SO my mom is going to bring the stuff today for us to go thru. I'm so excited! Hopefully it will be styles I like, but beggers can't be choosers.
Ok so I'm going now. not sure when i'll be back. its harder to get online for me. A few weeks ago lightning hit (i'm almost certain) my phone line. I had a cordless phone hooked up & my computer. I can't keep my computer hooked to the jack cause after I get offline, it won't really disconnect the line so we have to unhook it. I can't bend & hook & unhook so its just not as convenient to use the internet right now.
Take care,
Yep, I crave like crazy!!! But usually if I give in, I am dissappointed!!! I spend alot of time crocheting and knitting. Seems my hands need something to do besides carry food to my mouth!!!!! It helps alot, because I am always thinking when I finish this row, I'll get a snack and then I think, no, when I get to the end of this square, then by the time I get to the point I've promised to stop and get the snack....I've forgotten!!!