New to board
Hello Everyone,
I am very new to the board. I had lapband surgery on 06/19/06. I came home from the hospital and stayed two days and ended back up in the hospital with lower bowel obstruction. Needlees to say, I have had a rough start! I want to hear from others that have also had lapband. (I want to hear from RNY patients, also!) I am still in stage one (all liquids). My hunger pangs returned yesterday. Any advise? Thanks, Phillie
Hey and welcome aboard - post often and with ANY questions you may have...Sorry for the trouble you had. I hope you are past that and can get to healing now and getting better and better. Not a lot of us on here have had the lapbad, but I imagine there are a lot of the same things happening especially during the first few months. I am 3 years out and do not remember a lot about the first few weeks. I do remember feeling hungry, but since you can't eat much anyway, it does seem to come and go....I just sipped on water LOTS and lots of water - After a week or so I did get some "hot and sour soup" from the Chinese restaurant, and that was like the best ever (strained or just don't eat the chunks). But the hunger pains will get better as you are able to eat a little more and your body catches up to your brain and realizes there is not as much stomach to fill anymore...(Hopefully some of the others who have had surgery more recently can probably answer that a little better than me - LOL).
Good luck and thanks for posting....DeAnna
Hey DeAnna,
Thanks for the reply. I am having to learn to like water. I have never been a big water drinker. I have been going to Sonic everyday and getting a large cup of crushed ice. I do love to eat ice so I guess I am getting water that way. I did not know we could eat hot and sour soup on Phase 1. I will go to Phase 2 Friday so I guess I can make it one more day. Thanks so much for the encouragement. Phillie
You may or may not be able to have hot and sour soup...My doc had just said anything liquid and so I just ate it right on - Of course I could only have 1 ounce every 30 minutes at that point of anything. Yes, water is definately your friend. I just put it on my desk during the day and drink it without thinking about it. During those first few weeks, I just got me a big ole water bottle with a lid and sipped on it constantly. The nutritionist told me that the poster child for WLS is a patient who carries a water bottle everywhere she goes, and I was too scared not to.
Also, sorry there are not a lot of us on the board these days, lots of us are on vacation or just busy with summer and such, but just stick around and they will be back...DeAnna.
Hey Phillie,
Good to have you here!!! Congrats on your surgery! I don't know a whole lot about the lapband since I am an RNY'er, but we are very happy to have you with us. On occasion, we have a luncheon in the Jackson area and I hope that you will come. Our next big event is in Brookhaven on the 15th at the Western Sizzlin'. Hope you can join us. There is a lapband forum that can give you more info, but don't leave us for it! You can participate in both boards! The more the merrier!!! If you email me your email addy, phone numbers, addresses, etc., I will add you to the MS address book and send you a copy so you can contact each member if you want.
Again, welcome to the family! Come back often! We tolerate whining, crying and fit pitchin' pretty well here!!!

Welcome to the board! I'm so sorry to hear about your rough start. I'm a year out almost with RNY and still don't really have hunger pangs, so I can't really give you any advice on that aspect, but I'm still glad you are here and doing well now! I'm sure you are SO tired of liquids! Hang in there, it will get better! Feel free to post away on this board, there are alot of great people here!
There is also a lapband forum. Just in case you didn't know. You may get answers to your specific lapband questions better.