The Queen's Life
1. Well, Jon and the boys (Wretched Flamingo) left yesterday. They had a concert in Clinton and Jackson, and last night in H'burg. PLEASE if you get a chance and like head-ache making music, go encourage these boys. They are fine young men and so sweet to the squalling Momma! To hear them and check them out, go to
2. Em and I are going to the pool every morning at 10 am for about 2 hours. I walk the catti-corner of the pool (about 30 steps for me) 40 times on Tuesday/Thursday and 50 times on MWF. I can now lay on my back and kick my flippers (knees and legs) all over that pool. Am working on swimming on my tummy, but just cannot bear tha****er in my nose and eyes!!! Sometimes Em and I go back after supper for about 2 more hours. Megs joins us sometimes, and if you are in my area, come on!!! You don't even have to call first!!! BTW, I am also brown as a berry now. I am one of the VERY, VERY few freckled folks that brown rather than burn up!
3. The coast trip was fun, hard, and frustrating. My kids learned alot about how nice it is to be in OUR family!!!! And got a good dose of how it feels to NOT be appreciated by some that you do alot for. Good lessons!!! It was so good to see Rhonda & Jay and Wanda & Brian. We really had a good time with them. Em & I hope to get back again before school starts.
4. Keep JIm in your prayers. He has been having bouts of throwing up in the night. Pray that he will get off his behind and go back to the cancer doc, as this is one of his first symptons he had before they found the colon cancer. And yes, I have told him and threatened him and hollered at him. He just feels too bad most of the time to do anything about it. I can't get his records transfered, so it's up to him.
5. Remember I love all you guys and can hardly wait until July 15, to see a bunch of you!

I hope that we get to see you again before school starts. IF we get visitation with the kids, we want to take a weekend and come up to Morton to the park we had the bash at, I think the kids would like it there. Not to mention they would get to see you and spend time with your family.
Please DRAG Jim to the doctor if you have to, he needs to quit being so stubborn. Tell him I have enough to worry about that I shouldn't have to worry about him, he needs to go to the doctor!!
Please give him a big hug and kiss from his coast girlfriend and tell him I love him!
I will call you on Thursday, have your cellphone close by, or send me your home number to my yahoo email address.

I wills! I will even beat Jim for you!!!!! I can't drag him to the doc, because they won't give him an appt until he releases his old records (cancer doc) to them and I can't get them released for him. He CLAIMS that he faxed the request off. Things have lightened up at work since he finished his MASSIVE project yesterday, so maybe he will get on the stick!
I will send you my home phone! PUT IT IN YOUR CELL PHONE!!!!

Poor Jim.... I hope that he will go get checked out by his doctor and I pray that it is nothing serious! Please keep us posted and tell him that he doesn't want me to come get him and take him myself, because I will bring the cast iron skillet with me!
As for the swimming, I would love to join you but I don't get off wor****il 4:30pm, by the time I get home (usually get home at 5:00pm) and change and get to Brandon it would probably be 6:00pm. What time do you usually go in the evenings?
Love ya,