We are so home sick . Isnt that funny we are not even from ms but we call it home and miss it sooooo much . I miss my friends . We dont have a house yet they say it could a week or it could be 2 months so please pray for us to get a new home . We got here and had no place to stay I was in tears thank God this lady here on the base moved some people around and we have a place to stay for 2 weeks after that if we dont have our house then we have to find another place to stay . Its pretty here . But my heart is in miss.Poor rhonda has to hear me cry about it everyday . Ok I have to run I am on a frineds pc I will try to post again soon huggs to everyone I miss yall

I am so sorry to hear that you are so homesick. They say that everyone who comes to Mississippi never goes back, they fall in love and stay forever! I know what you are going thru. When we came to Hong Kong, we were sent to a hotel and stayed there for more than a month! One tiny little room and no place to go. It was deadly, hot and horrible. I cried everyday! Then we finally got a place to live and a bit of furniture. My boxes came from home and I felt better. Now after almost 10 years, it will be time to go soon. Now it does feel like home but Mississippi and New Orleans will always be my real home......
We miss you and I am still looking to come to visit you in Key West!!!! It reminds me of New Orleans.....

I came to Hong Kong with my husband who accepted a position at the university. We are looking for teachers all the time. Just check out our website positions are posted there, you can send a CV by email and then CALL them. It will not cost too much and you may be interviewed by telephone. If selected, they will reimburse your airfare to HK, pay for your accomodation and for an apartment for you. You do not need a car, the transit system is good and easy to use. Pay is about double that of teachers in MS........
There are positions all over the world if you are interested.
Hey girl - a move is always stressful, even if it is a good move - Someone once told me "stress is stress good or bad" and I have found that to be so true, because even something like vacation, your wedding, fun things, leave you exhausted and stressed, maybe once you get "your own place" and have had time to breath - you'll start to feel normal again and not so blue - You're right though, Mississippi does feel like home to most people who come and stay for a while....Will be praying for you! So, take some walks, try and relax and take it day by day.....DeAnna.
Girl, you can cry to me any time, you know that! But I miss you terribly! At least you are in a beautiful place. Just think of all the horrible locations you could have been sent... well, you are a coastie, and they don't get sent to the horrible places that we do, like cold cold cold places. LOL.. Have you worn either of the outfits that I bought you yet? I bet you look great in them!
I hope you get a house soon, I know it is difficult being displaced. I remember those three weeks I had to live in a dorm room after Hurricane Katrina. Keep calling those housing people every few days, stay on top of them or they will slip. You know how it goes. We will be out of town for a few days but I will have my phone so you can reach me if you need to.
Love & Miss ya!
ROAD TRIP???????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm COUNT ME IN!!!!! I call shotgun!
Hang in there hon, it WILL get better. It just has to! You've been through worse right? So keep your eye on the prize and know that "this too shall pass"! In the meantime, call Rhonda and bug the geezers out of her! What else are friends for?
Sending you a Big 'ol mess of Mississippi HUGS!