on my way to plastics?
All I gots to say is OUCH!!!! But I am wishing that time would be here for my tummy tuck. My friend's wife had a hysterectomy, 2 hernias repaired, lipo and a tummy tuck last week. I do NOT envy her! She is having to pay for the tummy tuck and lip - but she had not lost any weight before hand so I don't know if that makes a difference.
As to your exercise program. Megs and I jump into the pool everyday (most everyday) at 10 am at my apartments. You are much more than welcome to join us!

Hey and thanks for the invite - soon as car out of shop, will take you up on that! Do you know (or can find out) how much extra she had to pay for the TT and lip (e-mail me unless she doesn't mind sharing), I'm just in the process of finding all of this out...
and, yes, it does sound a little painful, but I figure it will maybe pass quickly with plenty of good pain meds. How is your friend after a week out? I may not want to know LOL...DeAnna.
I know she paid about $3000 up front but I don't know the total. I will ask Ronnie about it. He says she is doing really good. One of her drain tubes pulled out Sunday and Monday the Doc pulled the other out. She can drive now. I asked him if she was a real B**** from the soreness and pain and he said, "not really", which means she prolly was!!!!! I know I would have been. I am afraid I am too chicken to have a hysterectomy, 2 hernias repaired, lipo, AND a tummy tuck at the same time. Sounds like ASKING for a miserable time to me!!!
PS I am saving a corner of the pool for you, so come on!!!!