on my way to plastics?
Hey - went to doctor today, going to have a hysterectomy (known about it for a while - prolapsed uterus), and looking into having TT while in - Just going to see if insurance will cover it or some of it - anybody else looked into doing it this way or had it done along with other surgery? Have BC/BS of TN - and if insurance will not pay, gonna see how much extra it is and pay for it ahead of time.....Just kinda excited - got to lose to back under 200 pounds to do this (about 20 above) - Yes, I have gained the dreaded 40-50 pounds after the initial loss of 130.....So, I'm really digging in and exercising and TRYING to eat right..DeAnna.
You go girl! I'm going to let you and Sue go first and see how you guys do. We already know Kitsy looks DANG good. !!! Unbelievable! I'm thinking I at least want my arms - since I wave them around in front of 150 people every Sunday
and a boob job. Tummy and thigh I can handle too, but for now I think I want my arms done. So.... keep me posted! (as if I wouldn't be the first person you'll call after your appointment
Love ya like a sis!

Thanks hun, are you kidding? YOU WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO BE THERE, it's a little scary!! Hear it is a 4-5 hour operation on top of the hysterectomy.....Hey, I did see on the main board somebody who just had their arms done with pictures too, so scroll through and see - they looked great....
Love ya..D.
I will definately let you know - Luckily, the stomach flap is one of the only things that I need, so I am very excited about trying to see - Have an appointment with plastic surgeon on 7/11 to get the ball rolling - mostly just see if insurance will cover, or at least save me on anesthesia and hospital bill, etc. So, in the meantime, if you find a surgeon with a payment plan, please let me know. Are you coming to the July thing, would love to meet you in person...DeAnna.
Hey Girl, Long time, no talk... Best of luck with your hysterectomy, trust me, that surgery is a piece of cake compared to what you have already done. I hope it all works out so that you can get your TT at the same time, that would be great! Keep us updated on your progress. You will be in my prayers.
Hey - miss you too, Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, always appreciated...we're just all so busy with summer and stuff, but trying to keep up with you guys when I can - Yes, the thought of the TT has me very motivated to lose the 30 pounds that would put me back on track - Just went and got one of those "Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds" - DVDs from the Wal-Mart store. Need something I can do at 5:30 in the AM...We'll see !
Hope everything is going good your way? Been praying for you and yours too.
Keep it up!!!! You can lose the weight, you have the tool for it, just make it work for you! Use your digital scale religiously, if it creeps up a pound then that day is definately no snack day for you (I do this) Keep sugar-free stuff if you must have something. I learned this from reading Marie's book. She keeps low carb bars with no sugar around, sweetener in her bag and other things to control the munchies. Sugar is the enemy, it is the root of all weight-gain. I also love v-8 juice. When I feel that I could eat the house, I drink a v-8 and then no more hunger! Eat lots and lots of leafy green veggies, they help fill you up too!
See you soon, I will be in Jackson on Wednesday night!!!
Don't have a digital scale, did not have one at all until this weekend - been in denial - did get a regular one, and that's good enough for me - I have never worried about going up or down 1-2 pounds. Just find myself now having about 30-50 to lose (25 to get to 200!) but I am going to get on it! You're right though, got to keep things around when I need something - mostly crunchy. During the day when I would usually grab a handful (or 2) of chips, I have been cutting up a couple of radishes into thin slices (radish chips - ha) but it works for me. Also being sure to drink some protein drinks and just up the exercise. Picked up some arm weights and one of those Leslie Sansone (sp) walking DVD so I will have something to do first thing in the morning when husband is leaving for work and kids are not up yet.....Will remember leafy greens tomorrow...Thanks for the advice and support...DeAnna.