I'm sad
I was going to say that it had been 2 months since I heard from one of my dearest friends, but I finally heard from her just now as I clicked the "post" button. I know she's been really busy since moving in with her fiance & getting a new job, but it really hurts my feelings that she waited so long to email me. She's going on vacation for 2 wks so I probably won't get to really talk to her until after surgery unless I call her before the weekend. Evenso, they are on the go all this week. She's the one that lives in Norway so I just can't go visit or call whenever I please. I honestly know she is always "there" for me but it still gets me down. Maybe I'm too dependent on her. I love her like a sister & I miss her. Probably just all the hormones & nerves, etc. going on with me. I'll hush whining.
*Sigh* It seems that sometimes people move on without you doesn't it?! ARGH!! I hate that, but realize that I am guilty of it too. LOL I hate that you feel "left out" of her life right now, especially when you need her so badly. Hang in there, maybe it will get better! For now, you've got all of us!