Dumping or Diabetes???
OK.... First of all, I'm NOT seeking medical advice, and I am going to the doctor to see about this, but I'm just curious for those of you who are or have been diabetic and frequently test your blood sugars.....
Ok, before surgery I was prediabetic. Really had more of a hypoglycemic (reactive) problem than I did with any levels of high blood sugar. I controlled it with diet. But certain things would make my blood sugar drop rapidly and I'd feel like crap, ie... shakes, sweats, etc... I'd eat or drink something and be better. I always caught it as it was starting, so I never felt too terrible.
Now I have been having the problem again. So I started taking my blood sugar randomly. I've had high's in the 300 range and lows in the 30's. The low numbers have almost always happened in my sleep and I'd wake up drenched in sweat, unable to walk, barely talk, really scary! Luckily my husband knows what to do ...now... (the first time was pretty bad and he was pretty freaked) Anyway, I can usually wake him up moaning, I don't even necessarily remember it all, I just know that I'm unable to get what's in my head to come out of my mouth, and nothing on my body is responding to my commands. It's the strangest sensation!
So... here's my question ... I was reading last night about diabetes and a link for "Dumping Syndrome" came up. It was on the Mayo Clinic site, so I trust the guidelines they gave. The definition they gave for Dumping was very similar to what I keep experiencing. And they say that dumping is related to your blood sugar dropping rapidly and making you feel this way. My only concern is the high's I've been having to go along with it. It's like my pancreas is asleep and then all of a sudden wakes up and freaks out, producing too much insulin, and then reacts by overdoing the adjustments and I bottom out.
Ok, so I still haven't really asked a question.
I'm thinking my way through this as I go, so bear with me. This doesn't necessarily happen when I've had a high sugar content item. Although I do suspect that is mainly the culpret, but I've only nibbled on these items. The second time I know that I ate 3 bites of a sara lee pound cake with fresh strawberries and a dab of whip cream. It happened hours laters in my sleep. Last night it happened and I had a fun size butterfinger..... hours later I wa****ting bottom in my sleep. My numbers are always in the 30's when I feel this way. It can happen during the day also, but I catch it around 50 or 60 so I am able to correct it before it's too bad.
Anybody else experiencing this kind of problem?

I know that eating too many carbs or things with higher sugar content can cause us to have rises and then a drastic fall in our blood sugar levels. I can't eat cereal for breakfast because two hours later I will have a bad low blood sugar complete with the shakes and sweats and confusion. Now, if I eat some cereal and have cheese or an egg with it, it doesn't happen. So, I know I have to get my protein in with my carbs and that keeps me from having the drastic drops in blood sugar. I would say that is what you are experiencing except for the extremely high blood sugars you are having in there too. So, I would lean toward diabetes more so in your case because people with a normally functioning pancreas can eat sugar right out of the sugar jar and their blood sugar wouldn't go to 300, but then again we are not normal exactly LOL. But that is still really high I would think even for us with our insides rearranged. Please keep us posted on what the doctor says. I am curious to see if it is dumping or diabetes. I hate you are going through this. It sounds really scary especially the night time episodes. Good luck, girl.