Breaking those habits...
ARGH!!! I am a fat person trapped in a skinny body! GRRR I've been doing so much grazing lately. Seems that I can just eat and eat and eat. I feel like a bottomless pit somedays. I still never truly feel why in the heck am I eating? Boredom? Pressure? (people saying I need to stop losing), Just because I know how to do it? Hmmmmm
Any good suggestions, and to know that I'm not alone is welcome. Any good ideas on what to graze on if I just have to do it?
Thanks in advance...

Well, you are not alone. I have been stuck at 250 due to grazing. I never feel hungry. I think I eat out of comfort and boredom. I don't really know how to stop either. My big thing is crunchy food. It seems like I have to have chips or something crunchy.
Sorry no suggestions just letting you know that you are not alone.
Hey Steph! Glad to know I'm not alone out there! I too needed something crunchy at times and found the kroger brand granola bars to be very good! I'm not a huge fan of granola, although for some reason now I am.
I figure it's got to be better than chips, even if the carbs are high.

Well, you are almost at that 1 year mark. That is when things got harder for me too. I found I wanted to be eating on something (usuallly something bad) all the time. It was like I was not in control of my own self. It was then that I had to realize I was a food addict and that my obsessive compulsive binge eating disorder did not go away with my rny. I tried some self help books and getting support on here and from friends and that helped for a while. But then I would always slip back into those bad pre-surgery habits. So, I admitted I could not get well all on my own and I am now in therapy and doing great. I am down to going to my counselor about every five weeks now just for maintenance visits as I call them. The therapy helped me to figure out when my problem started (as a child) and why. Then we addressed all of those issues and I began to heal. Then it was learning coping mechanisms that would allow me to stay well and deal with my hectic life without turning to food. The cost of the therapy was worth it to me because I have worked really hard since my surgery in doing everything right and exercising. And I never want to go back to where I was. And so far I have maintained my loss with no regain now since December of 2004.
I found telling the people closest to me all about my disorder helped them to help me better. My hubby has been absolutely wonderful support since I filled him in. And so has the rest of my family and closest friends. And I feel better it being out there in the open too because shame and guilt are never good to hold onto.
Good luck. We have a lifelong journey of work ahead of us to keep our weight off. But you are truly surrounded by people in the same boat who understand exactly where you are coming from. So, if you ever need anything or just need someone to listen please don't hesitate to call me or email me.
Lap Rny 1/15/04
277/132 to 136 depending on the day
5'4" (shorty)
Thank you so much for your reply. You are right too! This may be bigger than me. I am considering counseling, and I take advantage of all the support groups and stuff, but maybe some one on one would benefit. I'm glad to hear that you've had such good results. I think about you alot because you have been so successful for so long now.
I think I remember reading that you eat on a schedule.....and that's it! Was that you? And if so, do you still do it? I've considered allowing myself a certain time to eat during the day for B, L, D, and snacks. Instead of compulsive snacking. I'm thinking that would help with my blood sugar issues as well?
Who knows! Maybe I'm just deep down nuts!
I am calling today for an appointmen with a GP and I see my surgeon next week for my one year. Soooo, I'll let you know how it goes!
Thanks for the advice!

Your memory serves you right. I am the scheduled eater LOL, and that is part of my therapy too. That keeps me from being able to be so compulsive. The thing about us with compulsive eating problems is that we too seem to be very habit forming or have addictive personalities. So, keeping to a schedule for a long enough period of time eventually becomes habit to us and helps control that compulsive behavior. Recently, I got so bogged down with my job and other things that I ignored my schedule and my needs briefly. It was then that I realized exactly how much my scheduled planned meals really did help me stay focussed. So, I am back to it and doing much better. And you are right, eating every few hours on a schedule also helps with the blood sugar issues too. I have always had problems with my sugar dropping and found that when I started eating on a schedule of every few hours that got better too.