OMG Just call me granny Jane
My daughter is pregnant and that makes me a grandma to be. How awesome is that!!Me and Tommy is just smiling these days. So the big question is what to be called. That is what I am being hit with. My two choices is Gran or Nanny. Any other suggestions? We thought about Pop for Tommy. I am not in favor of mamaw or granny because I am only 39. Whatever. I will be proud of whatever I am sure.
I know I don't want
I even thouht about just Nan.
I also thought about Janie. My name is Jane and that would be like a nickname for my grandkids.
Just excited---can youtell??
Love ya
Know you said you don't prefer Nana but I think thats pretty. My DH's mom is Nana to our kids. Mamaw is my mom & they call both grandfathers "papaw". I wanted my dad to be called Papa cuz thats what we called the only grandfather I knew, but my DH had a problem with it saying "it means father" what!!! Not sure if this is "old timey thing" but my mom called her mother "mother" her father "daddy" & her paternal grandparents were Mama Jo & Papa Charlie (their first names). My aunt goes by Gammy cuz the first grandchild couldn't say grandma. HTH!
Jane!!! WOOHOO!!! CONGRATS!!! I was just telling my friend the other day to assure me that grandchildren are worth having to raise these kids somedays! LOL
I can tell from your excitement that they are!
My friend was a young grandmother and her grandkids always called her GG, GiGi, not sure how she spelled it, I just remember thinking it was cute and I would remember that for my grandparenting days.

Oh congrats Jane! I can only imagine how thrilled you are....As far as the names, looks like you have all of them covered. My kids call my husband's mom Grammy but that may be a little "old" sounding for such a young chick like you!
Of course you could do like Claire Huxtilbe on The Cosby Show and want to be called "Mother, The Sequel...hahaha...Seriously though, I am so excited for you and you will be a wonderful grandmother...Congrats again!