The buffet places are good and Cracker Barrel as for as room and seating. I hope to try to come. Can't make promises though. Sundays are hard. I am only an hour away though. We leave for TN that night so I will be busy that weekend PACKING---hooray!
Just let us know the place Dawn Dahling!!
I can't be there until 3 if I come.
Love Jane
Please make it for as late in the afternoon/evening as we can, we have to drive back from Atlanta on Sunday. I will try my best to be back by 4 but am not sure. Anywhere is fine with me, Lookout is my favorite also, but may be a little pricey for some. Fridays is a NO.. after our last problem there. Chiles would be okay though, they give pretty good service there. No casino buffets, Arlies will not go to the casino. I will try to make contact with you in a day or so. I am in NY right now, today is our trial date on our custody hearing with Jay's ex. Woopeee!!
Please keep us in all of your thoughts..