Need help......
Walter's mother is 81 years old. She is not too happy about our surgery. Walter told her he has lost 25 pounds since our journery into WLS. She then said"Why don't you just continue to loose the way you are doing now?" She has never been overweight. I know she feels this way because she loves us so much. We want to print up some articles about WLS that are positive. If anyone knows of such articles,please let us know so we can print them up and let her read them. She watched a GP surgery on Discovery Channel. She seemed ok about it for a few days then she started having reservations about it. I thought if she read something positive about it, it might help her accept it more. We love her so much. She is the only parent we have left. We do not want her to worry. She wants us to loose weight, but not with surgery. We have a short article from Consumer Reports that we printed up,but we want more to show her. We thank you all for any help you can give.
glenda and walter
I would print her out some of the questions and answers listed on OH and some stuff under weight loss (look at the blue line of items at the top of the page.) Also sitting her down and showing her some of the before and after pictures might be good too. Also you might want to print out or have her sit and read a few choice profiles. Sometime bring her to a lunch with all us and we will clue her in!