OP Traveling The State
OT: Traveling the state in June
Original Post by Barry S. at 9:04 PM CST on 04/20/2006
New Hebron, MS - RNY (03/14/2005) - Kenneth Cleveland, M.D.
My son is going to be singing again this year with the Ms Baptist All state youth choir. I will be trying to go to all of his concerts and I am letting it be known in advance this year where they are I would love to meet anyone in the area on the nights either at or right after the concerts before I have to drive back home. the dates and place are as follows:
Saturday June 10th: First Baptist Church In Ripley at 6 pm
Sunday June 11th: North Oxford Baptist Church in Oxford at 11 am
Sunday June 11th: Slayden Baptist Church in Lamar 6:30pm
Monday June 12th: First Baptist Church In Philadelphia at 6:30pm
Tuesday June 13th: Rocky Creek Baptist Church in Lucedale at 6:30pm
Wednesday June 14th: Grace Memorial Baptist Church In Gulfport at 6:30pm
Thurday June 15th: There isnt a concert as they will be doing ministry on the Coast.
Friday June 16th: Final Concert of the year. First baptist Chur*****linton at 6:30 pm
I will be racking up the miles this year but am so looking foreward to it. Talk to you all soon.
There has been one change to the itenerary the final concert of the year is as follows:
Friday June 16th: Final Concert of the year. First baptist Church in Florence at 6:30 pm.
It was to be in clinton but has been changed. If anyone can make any of these dates let me know and i would love to meet with you all at that time.
I'd love to go the the one on the 16th in Florence. Please call me and we'll arrange details. 601-898-4778 or my cell... 601-951-0568
Thanks dear!
Ps....have you seen our pics yet? Just wondering because I haven't. I still need to sent my before stuff to Adam. Maybe I'll do that tonite before my sleeping pills take effect --- I can feel them hitting me now.
I'm So hyper now that I need help sleeping. Crazy huh?
I can't WAIT to see your pics. You were SO photogenic!!! Ok, we'll catch up later. I wanna sit with you since I'll probably be going alone. Maybe I can convince some my youth from church to attend. Let's talk details k?
Kimberly -- your photo playmate! ROFL!!! Tell the wifey HIYA! Can't wait to see her either.