Hi yall why the heck is it so hard to say goodbye that is the worst part about leaving . I had to say goodbye to rhonda she is leaving for ny Friday and we leave next Friday I have other people I have to say goodbye to next week its so hard and makes it hard to leave . Im not saying goodbye to yall I am going to stay on here as much as I can .. I am just venting its so hard and I am a big cryer when it comes to goodbye . Thanks yall for letting me be a cry baby ...

I just have to let you know that you totally broke my heart seeing you cry! I cried all the way home!
I hate goodbyes! But this is not goodbye for us, this is see you later! We will keep in touch and we will see each other later. Hopefully we will see each other in September if not before! I told you, I plan to fly down and spend a weekend or a week with you before this year is over! You have so much to look forward to, you have a job already, and you will be living in KEY WEST, that is a dream location! You have become my very best friend and I really feel that we will stay this close even though you are moving. I have never met someone that I have so mu*****ommon with and am so comfortable being around. The only thing I regret is that I did not meet you years ago. We will still text and talk daily, no matter how many miles are between us. I will never forget the times we have shared!
I love you and will miss you dearly! 


she is talking about my picture on my posts.. is it showing a close up face pic or is it a little picture? It shows normal like ya'lls when I look at it. You are right though, I do need to gain some weight, but not too much or I will need all the clothes back that I have given to Sara, LOL.. I just bought out a yard sale the other day, I think I bought ten pairs of pants from them so I don't need to gain any weight or I won't be able to fit into them. I am going to hit the gym hard after next week. I have to firm up everything, especially my nonexistent butt, LOL.. You are funny... I did set myself up for that one. Should have known you would get me on that!! So how does my new pic look to you??
You 2 are making me tear up & cry & thats not good. I'm sick with strep & my throat already hurts
. But I know how ya feel. I do my best not to cry during goodbyes. I cry before...and after. One of my best friends lives in Norway so she is so far from me always. I miss her but with each goodbye, as painful as it is, isn't really a goodbye. Like Rhonda said. I know that if I'm alive & well & she is too, that we will meet again. She's too important to let distance stand in the way. She's like a sister. Of course I'm not rich & can't just pick up & catch a plane when I want, but I know she's there for me always. We met in 1993 while she was an exchange student at my school. She left a few months later (little shorter than a whole school year cuz her host mom got sick w/ heart probs). She mailed me & thats when we became really close writing letters back & forth. Then we lost touch. I missed her SO much. Finally I tried finding her & it was easier than I could have ever imagined. God lead me to her again I know. I went for my 1st visit to see her in June 1998...8 yrs ago from today to be exact. Then I went back in Mar. 2000. & then she came with her fiance (divorced DH few years ago) to the western US last July & we met them in Vegas. My biggest dream came true then. She got to meet my babies & DH (DH wouldn't let our kids fly overseas). Sorry, I talk too much, but I understand. Just be glad she's still in the same country! Here are a few quotes that make me feel better when I'm missing her.
The most beautiful discovery true friends can make is that they can grow seperately without growing apart.
"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can
meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes,
is certain for those who are friends."
- Richard Bach
"Can miles truly separate us from friends?
If we want to be with someone we love, aren't we already there?"
- Richard Bach
"Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend,
as you will always find me yours."
- Ludwig van Beethoven
A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me
together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart."
- Unknown
The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that
they can grow separately without growing apart."
- Unknown
"How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to."
- Unknown
"Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anaïs Nin
"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart"
& from Poohbear
"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever"
"Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave."
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."
Take care ya'll! Sara I'm sorry you're having to move.

You already know how i am with this sort of thing i run as hard and as far as i can away from saying BYE, I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sure i will be doing somemore squalling next week when we have our goodbye pitty party, not looking forward to it at all! You know that you are one of the bestest friends that i have ever had, and you always will be no matter where you are! I have never had a friend as loving and giving as you , you give more to your friends than anybody i have ever meet. You are a wonderful beautiful person inside and out( like the new pic,
)! I love you like a sister. Thank you for putting up with me and all of my drama over this past year. NOW SHUT UP WITH THIS CRYING CRAP , it will make my face puffy and fat, and i can't have that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!