about eating
Oh SOrry we break rules from time to time! hehe Or all the time im my case , i dont get dumping syndrome, so i do have a LITTLE sweet every once in awhile. and on the coke i waited until i was about 6mos out before i had one , i drink diet coke some now not everyday. The carbonation will swell in your pouch and can hurt some people, dont bother me. I remember thinking the samething as you , when i was reading that post last year! haha IT's much better to not have sweets and diet cokes , SO hold off as long as you can stand it !! I gave in quicker than most!
oh on the pureed , do what your Dr tells you . I never did puree anything that wasnt ment to be that way i ate refried beans, and yogart , and cottage cheese , until it was coming out of my ears! Every Dr is differnate as to how long you stay on that stage, i was on it only a few days, were some are on it for WEEKS!
Hey Kathy!
Some folks can eat sweets. Some of us are too chicken (me) to try and are afraid they will get out of hand if they do! I drink FLAT cokes - ususally diet mugs. The fizz hurts my belly buckle so they HAVE to be flat. Some docs say after 6 months you can drink cokes and some say NEVER. Ideally sugar should stay under about 3 to 5 grams per serving. Everyone is an individual, tho, and some folks mind better than others! I am TOO CHICKEN not to mind!!!!