I have Strep throat
Started hurting yesterday. At first I thought it was sinus drainage. As the day went on I felt worse. I barely slept last night. i got up at 5 to soak in the tub. Then got me ready for the doctor (I was going anyway to have my thyroid levels checked). I'm even having body aches like w/ the flu. Nurse gave me a shot that hurt to high heaven. & had my labs done. I filled my meds there in Ellisville cuz I felt too bad to go to the pharmacy I usually use in Laurel. I took Motrin before leaving Ellisville. Didn't make it past city limits before I couln't take it anymore & I cried halfway home. I guess between lack of sleep & worse pain than I've felt in a while got to me. What a baby. My fever is just now getting to 99. So I feel like poop. Pray for me & my family. Hope my girls don't catch it. Thats all I need.

Hate to hear it - strep throat will definately make you cry, especially when you have to keep going like you did and can't just get the meds and go to bed. It takes lots of meds and lots of rest to get over, so take care of yourself and rest rest rest.....I kept going once through strep throat, thought after about a day or two I could go back to work, and ended up with back spasms and neck spasms because strep will set up in your large muscle groups if you do not rest enough.....soooo, get yourself in bed and it will get better soon!...DeAnna.