After I fussed last time, I got a passel of addresses and info from folks. But this is the last chance! If you want to be included in the MS WLS addy book, please send me your info - name and alias, addies (snail and email), birthday, WLS anniversary, wedding anniversary, family member names and birthdays and anything else you want to be public knowledge to the rest of the gang. In order to get a copy, you MUST agree to have your info in it. Dead-line is MIDNIGHT, April, 21, 2006. That gives you another week. All you new folks, consider this! EMAIL IT NOW!!!!!

You can tell you are a military wife!!! Rubs off on us doesn't it??!!
I have a question (again)... a friend of mine is also in the process of beginning stages of WLS ... she has asked me to drive her to Jackson Monday night (April 17th) to attend a meeting at 7pm??
Is this the one at UMC????

I found out!!! The meeting will be at the old methodist hospital... Central Mississippi Medical Center...
My friend wants me to drive her to the meeting ... sooooooooooo maybe I will go along for the ride and info????
Re: the meetings on 2nd Tuesdays... what time and what locale???
Do they welcome newbies??
God bless,