First visit to doctor....
Walter got his appointment in the mail Wednesday and I got mine on Thursday. It will be our first visit to see Dr. Salameh. Walter's appt. is on April 18th and mine is 2 weeks later on May 2nd. We are so excited to finally get the ball rolling. I know we have a lot of tests and a lot of waiting before we finally get to the losing side. I am glad we have all of you on this board to look to for advise and support. I do have a question..... I know we both will have to have the sleep study. Does any one know if we can sleep in the same bed when we have it done. I can count on one hand the times we have slept in separate beds in our 32 1/2 years of marriage. I am not sure I will be able to sleep if he is not there. I know this probably sounds silly to some,but he is part of me and I will feel lost without him being there. See,I am already having anxiety!!!! The Long and Winding Road begins....................Until later..
Actually, I think it's "The Long and Whining Road begins...." At least it was for most of us!!!
NO, you can't sleep in the same bed! It's because they have a camera on you while you sleep and if there is two in the bed, they can only see one - I asked because when I went for my sleep study a couple of husbands were there with their wives. If only one is beging tested, the other one gets in the way of the monitors. And if it's a child and a parent stays with them, the parent sleeps on the floor - at least that's what I was told at UMC. But the beds at UMC in the sleep study are comfee, and they let me have my pillows! Maybe ya'll can get scheduled for the same night and have adjoining rooms, not the same, I know, but better than nothing. Take a cuddly that your dh gave you to sleep with. That's what I do when I feel insecure and have to be away for the night.

Thanks Arlies. You are right..whinning!! I guess I will have to settle. Do you know if at UMC they will let us do the sleep study in the day? We both work at night and sleep in the day even on our off days. We will have to comply either way to get the job done, but I was just wondering.thanks for the response.
congratz on the appointment!
Think of the night apart as just a long afternoon nap....where you happen to be hooked up to alot of wires and have a camera pointed at you and you can't tinkle without help.
Did that make you feel better at all?
Seriously, you can do it. You two will do just fine.

Thanks alot Meg for the details........ I know we will be fine. I am so spoiled to getting what I want. I guess I need to get used the that "Long and Whining Road" Arlies was talking about. We are so excited to get everything moving, We are willing to give up a few of the things we are used to. While we are sleeping in different rooms that night,I will be thinking how great sleeping in the same bed will be after WLS!!!!