Proverb for the day!
Proverbs 19:3 "A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord."
Do you think this is where folks get the idea that nothing they do is their own fault, but it's BECAUSE of someone or something else?????????? Remember if we listened and obeyed God, we'd have everything under the sun and then some!

i wish i could read that to my ex husband....he NEVER thought he did anything wrong and everything was always somebody elses fault...never his....and he's not a God loving fact, about the time our troups first went to Iraq in the 90s, he ran to church and got "saved"...needless to say, that didn't last he's worried about this bird flu thing and is going to start going back to church..what a nut...bad thing is, i had our daughters in church their whole life and he never went with us....he sees church and God as being there when he NEEDS them....sad, sad.....