Eating out blah
I learn something new every day. Now I have learned that eating out is no fun not that I am complaining cause I am sure I don't need to be eating out much.
My friends all wanted to go out last night so we went to O'charlys which was one of my all time fav places before surgury.
I ordered a cup of soup and it was jst not has good as I remembered it. ( I had 1 bite) Well I am sure things will change but I just wanted to share my expirence.
Oh yea I went to the Dr. Tues he said everything was going well and that I had lost 61 pounds.
Congrats on doing so well, Joyce! You're losing alot more than I have! But I'm pretty happy myself. I eat out alot, too..and it's frustrating sometimes. I've gotten cup of soup most times..but if only soup and salad was their smallest (and cheapest) option, it felt weird to leave so much food on the table. pretty neat, though.
my taste buds have changed a little, too. hard to explain.
take care. *hugs*
Hey Joyce great job on the weight loss. I too have found that eating out is not what it was before. Your taste buds change after surgery. Nothing seems to taste good for a while. But the soup at O Charlies is great now. the loaded baked potato yum, yum. It will just take time.
Keep up the great job.
61 pounds?????????????????????? OMGOSH!!!! You're amazing!
I hate going out to eat. It is never as good as I remember it being. LOL I go out to eat with my girlfriends every Monday after rehearsal. I usually don't order and eat a bite from each of their plates. Saves money that way! LOL

61 pounds
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you go girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.Congratulations Girl !!!!!!!!..............I know how you feel about eating out it just does not hold the same luster that it used to ,you never know what will agree with your pouch and what won't.I am so excited for you Girl !!!!!!!!!! Love ya Huggggggggggggs...........Sherry

way to go Joyce.....61 pounds in less than 6 weeks...FANTASTIC....i bet you already feel better....i've lost 44 since Dec. 27th on these diet pills the doc put me on....and nothing tasted good with them in the beginning but it's tasting better all the thing they're planning on doing my surgery this week or i'd gain those 44 were you allowed to eat/drink the first two weeks you came home?...i need to pick up that kind of thing before i go in and i don't have a clue what....Congratulations and keep up the good work...i'm proud of and for you!!