Finally got a date, but..........
Well, I finally got a date for my surgery. It's going to be April 18th! I was very excited until I got a call yesterday from Jeannie saying that I had tested positive on my h-pylori test. So she called in a prescription for me. I am going to have to take 4 amoxicillan, 2 biaxin, and 2 prevacid every day. To some people this wouldn't seem like a lot, i guess, but I have never liked taking pills and this is like a major thing for me.
(I don't even like taking tylenol.) I took my first dose before I went into work today and I fell like vomiting all night.
I'm not sure if it was the pills making me feel that way or just the fact that I'm going to have to take the pills. This is going to be the hardest 10 days of my life.
I know that it will all be worth it in the long run, but why couldn't they just give me a shot or something and be through with it?
By the way, I have my EGD appt this Tuesday, so I'm hoping that by some chance the Dr. will determine that I had a false positive on my h-pylori test and he will tell me that I can stop taking the pills.
Yeah, I know........fat chance!! Oh well, wishful thinking.
Oh, and my co-worker/ friend, Sara, has her surgery the day before mine. Her surgeon is Dr. Cleveland and mine is Dr. Ferrugia. Wish us luck!

You need to get liquid vitamins and b12 then cause you're gonna have to take them post op. Either that or chewable vits. I use the liquid b12 , made by Natures Bounty, and it has a decent taste. The Centrum chewables are OK also. I've heard the Flintstones are ok but even with 2 they're still kids Vitamins. I'm over 50 so I needed the senior adult vits.
There is a nasal spray B12 coming out soon and I want it.
I will be praying for you and your friend.