Depression sux
Hey all I am sorry I havent been onmuch I am fighting a hard time right now. I go through this twice a year and this year it just seems harder for me. On saturday the 8th it will be the 6 year anniversary of my daughters passing. I just cant seem toget it together and it dont help that we found the last letter she wrote to me yesterday. I just need to get it out in the air maybe this will help. I am not eating because of it if anything I am eating less than normal. I just am in the blue funk all the time lately. Any suggestions as to how to get it behind me? thanks in advance.
I am sorry you are going through such a horrible time. The only advice I can give you is to try and remember the good memories of your daughter and all of the joy she brought into your life. It is always best to remember our loved ones for all the happy times, and not dwell on their passing. I wish you the best in dealing with your loss. Everyone has to grieve in different ways and some never fully recover from a loss, but you just try to deal with it the best way you know how.. You may have to MAKE yourself eat, even if you don't really want it, just to stay healthy.
Know that you have a lot of people who care for and love you very much! We will all be praying for you and your family during this hard time in your life. Just think how proud of you that your daughter would be with the success of your weight loss and taking control of your life and health the way you have.
My heart aches for you. I am so sorry you have to go thru this. I could never imagine the loss of my child.
I do not have any advise for you. It must be very difficult. Remember all the good times you had with your daughter and just know that you will see her again and she is with you every day...
I am so sorry...
So sorry you are feeling this way, i cant even begain to know how much that must hurt. Im sure that theres is no way to ever put the loss of a child behind you. I will be praying for you, thats as much help as i can offer, as i have no idea how to deal with something as hard as this. I do know that with Gods help the hurt you are going through can get better.
I have no idea what you are going through. I can't really give you advice but have a couple suggestions.
One reach out to someone else that is hurting. When we are down and out we tend to look at our own problems and miseries. Look around and do something for someone else. There is most likely someone else right around the corner that is having the same or similiar hurt as you. A freind of my daughter's just went through 12 hours of labor to deliver her already deceased little angel girl--Taylor. Two weeks ago she went to the Dr and the heartbeat was not there. She was two weeks away from delivery. After going through labor to have Taylor she did get to hold her. Her and husband Trey. Sat they buried little Taylor and didn't get to know her or ever see her smile. Just a little story and to ask that you remember Trey and Tabitha.
I can't sympathize with you. I won't even pretend to know your pain.
My husband lost his 1st wife and a 3 month old fetus to a wreck. He says the anniversaries are like---ok---its coming up--until the actual day it builds and you get more and more anxious and then it is the day and you are like Whew I survived. After the 8th maybe you can just take a deep breath and look around. You are here and blessed. You are special. You are strong. You are Barry who has stepped out and changed your life even though you have suffered this loss if your life. I love you and pray for you. You are going to make. I know it. Depression if hard. IT definitley suxs!!!!I can tell you all about that subject.
As for as me--I go outside alot--walk ouside alot---breathe alot---deep breathing helps me trememdously.
Always post what is going on --it does help to let someone else know that cares for you.
Love and prayers
I'm so sorry for your friends loss. I have been there and know the pain they are going through. I run peer to peer grief counseling and wouldn't mind helping her out if she needs it. You can email me privately if you want and I'll give you my info. I am ALWAYS available for this type of stuff. Day or night. Believe me, I get calls at all kinds of strange hours! LOL Please direct her to my website also. We specialize in this type of child loss.
Mom to 5, 3 in my arms and 2 in His!
Brandon-12, Nicholas-6, and Olivia-2
and Mom to ^i^Angel, 2nd trimester m/c and Hannah, stillborn twin to Nicholas
Barry ,
I can not even begin to imagine what you are going through I l have lost a family members , but none can even begin to compare with the loss of a child ,I feel for you, I have no idea what that kind of pain is like, I just pray that it comes and goes fast for you
,many huggs and prayers.....................Sherry

Dear Bear,
My love and prayers go out to you and your family. The responses above sound like good advice.
I will pray that GOD will give you the strength to bear this pain and that it will diminish.
You are loved by your family and by your friends , call them and talk about your daughter and how you feel.
you have e-mail with my phone number.
I can't even imaging how you are feeling. We certainly miss you. I am glad you can say those things "out loud". We will certainly pray for you. And I think it is a good thing for you to just admit you are going to feel bad this time of year no matter what. Just take it one day at a time, maybe plan out some meals for the day, do the little things that you have to do. We love you and just ache for you now...DeAnna Bailey.