what is it about thin people?
Hey you skinny, ninny-licous, gorgeous woman!!!! Next time some nitwit talks to you, just remember the Queen
has called you "skinny, niny-licious, gorgeous woman"! Some folks think they are helping, but don't know squat. Just laugh and go on! Here's a funny for you! My Sissie (Shirley) goes to the gym about 40 times a week and works out. There is a very tiny lady that goes there that dresses so very cutesy and wears her makeup just so perfect and takes pains to make sure that EVERYBODY notices her and all her glory. Sissie says she looks like a poster girl for the beautiful people..........till she turns her back to you......and Sissie says she has NEVER seen anyone who's fanny has fallen all the way to her calves....so bear in mind, even the "beautiful" people have faults!!!!
You have done wonderfully and are a gorgeous person. Learn to laugh at the idiots in the world and enjoy being the beautiful, wonderful Dawn that none of us on this board could ever do without!