what is it about thin people?
That makes them think its ok to say whatever to a fat person and there feelings will not be hurt?
So, here's what happened to me today at the gym! I'm in the weight room with my Pt and this other girl that i work out with every day! I see this woman stareing at me from across the room, shes in there several times a week , and she always watches me! I feel like a freaking circus act! Well today she comes over and talks to me, not trying to be mean or hurtful at all , BUT IT DID RUB me the wrong way! She says" wow , you are doing so good , I have been watching you the past few weeks and you are just melting away." Ok thats not so bad a compliment , i think? Then she says, "I wanted to say something the first few times i saw you , i thought that you were doing too much , and you shouldn't be doing all those exercises that she(my pt) has you doing, but im impressed i can't BELIEVE that YOU can do all that! " GRRRRRRRRR now Y didn't she say that to me AND my workout partner, who started at the sametime i did? WEll you guessed it she's thin , and is expected to beable to handle a NORMAL persons work out routine, but not the FAT girl, she should just stick to walking or low impact stuff cause she might hurt her fat self? GRRRRRRRR i was MAD i think she could tell , she said "OH i didn't mean that ugly, i just huh i ummmmm well knew that you were NEW to this and all." WELL the ole BALL and chain, ( my Pt) spoke up and told her that i could out sit-up and push-up her if she wanted she would take bets on it!
HAHA I know that this person was TRYING TO be nice and i appreciate that , but DANG some people just need to think about what they are saying before they open there mouths! Then she perseads to point out every single part of my big ole body that has improved, I HATE being under a microscope! I didnt need her telling me this stuff HECK i know my legs, and arms and GUT looks WAY better, i didnt need her telling me how awful they looked a month ago!
Ok thanks for listening to me belly ache about STUPID people, and how mush thay irritate me!
PS I don't think that all THIN people are Stupid or insenstive, I know some very nice thin people, some of you skinny butts for instance! LOL Oh and i know some MEAN fat floks too, NOT anyone on here i might add! LOL
Some people just have no tact. Ignore them. One day you will be able to look over at her, smile and say "How do ya like me now?"
Take Care.. Enjoy your workouts and ignore the ignorant ones.. I am proud of you, wish I could be half as dedicated as you are, I stay too tired, with work and school, I can't find the time to do anything it seems.

Girl, i couldn't do all these workout if i actually had a life, what else do i have to do i dont work i sure dont go to school! lol It keeps me out of the kitchen a few hours a day! I would hate to see your skinny tail if you did go to the gym , you dont need to work on nothing, you cant get much tinyer!!!!!!!!!! I realy don't think she ment to be mean , i tend to take things PERSONAL when it has to do with my size! haha She is a nice person i just wish she had not singeled me out. I guess it lets me know exactaly where i still stand..............on the fatty side ! haha
Being "tiny" isn't everything. I still need to workout and tone some of this hanging stuff I have. I feel like if I could do some weights, it would firm some of it up. Not to mention, you have to burn energy to make energy and physically I do not burn enough, but I am so tired mentally that I don't feel like it. Before the storm, I had a routine and I felt really good about it, I just have to get back that routine. I need a workout partner to push me to go to the gym and then maybe I would go. Anybody out there want to go to they gym on base with me??? hehe...
YHea IF you have any hanging stuff, I cant see it , but if you do a little wt training would help alot!The back of my legs were dimply hangy and that is gone from just one mo, hope that the rest of me will soon follow suit! How about that girl that talked to us at the support group meeting does she work at the gym on base? I bet SHE could push you ! haha If i was closer to keesler i would go push your butt! lol
Yes she volunteered to be my PT, but she goes to the gym at 4:15 and I don't get off of wor****il 4:45 most days so that won't work for me. I can do it alone, I am just too busy these days. My semester will end in a few weeks then I won't have to go bac****il August, so I will have some time then maybe. Tina would be great to help me, I need to call her and see if she would meet me after I get off of work and start taking my workout clothes with me and going straight to the gym. But then how will dinner get cooked? Jay works too much as it is... Oh well, I will figure something out.
hey sawn i totally know how u feel. the gym i go is feel with muscle heads and women that wear full on makeup and shrt shorts to workout! they think they are all hot stuff. ive been working out there for over 3 years. yes i did spin when i was 230lbs!! and they all looked at me like what are u doing here and NEVER talked to me! now they think wow spin really worked for u huh? lol i have never filled any of them in bc they didnt care before i wont be their friend bc now im thin! that just people and u just go and do what u gotta do and leave and not let it bother u. u know u are healthier and capable of and im sure u can out do them. i know i can out spin some of those excuse my language skinny b**ches!u go girl keep doing what u are doing!!!
HAHA Funny you should mention the full makeup and short shorts!I wore FULL makeup and LONG YOGA type pants the first few times! After having all of my makeup roll off me on to my clothes and BURN up in them long pants, I learned that going to the gym ain't a beauty contest, at least not one that im entering! haha Theres not realy a lot of meatheads and snooty women at my gym , but there is a lot of stay-home-mommy types that have KILLER bodies!!!!!!!!!! I wish i would have kept my mouth shut and never told anybody my little secret about my surgery, but i tell everybody i meet! hehe As i told Rhonda I know that she didnt mean to hurt my feelings she was trying to give me a compliment and incourage me to keep it up, but i just wish she hadnt made it about my size. Expecily since i know that with my body type i will never be a tiny thing, I will probably be dealing with this type crap forever , so i need to toughin up and deal with it! GRRRRRRRR To be small framed and FAt must be nice, to know that one day you can get little it you loose wt, with me it aint that easy i can loose all my body fat and i will still be huge!!
Dawn - you ARE melting away - what she said was ugly but honey you are not fat anymore. You arent. You are a normal sized woman. Mutants like her have no idea what its like to hear things like that even if she meant it another way. We hear it and take it the way we want to not the way they may have meant it.
I went to get my daughters hair cut the other night and there were only 2 open chairs. One beside a really large woman and one beside a younger woman who was skinny. I took the seat beside the bigger woman. I know what it is like to have people prefer to sit by the skinny person and not the fat one.
Also my daughter and I were looking at a magazine and the headline was "Debbie wants kids back" and it was a picture of her and Michael Jackson - Emily leaned in on me and said "Which one is Debbie".. I laughed so loud..