what did we eat today?
heres what i had what about ya'll?
6:30 protein shake with a frozen banana 1/2 a low car monster energy drink
10:30 about 12 dozen or so ............well half a stinkin box of mulit- grain wheat thins! GRRRRRRRR WHY did i do this to myself! Totally mad at myself !Threw the rest of the box in the trash!
12:00 wanting to eat again , thats what those stupid carbs will do for you! GRRRR so i ate a peanutbutter pria bar and other half of my monster drink
3:30 peanut butter and a small apple
6:00 2 oz of baked chicken breast and 1/2 a cup of green beans with garilc
Would someone PLEASE come get this jar of peanut butter thats looking at me and throw it away i want to eat the whole jar right now! Why is it I/we do great for a few days then we have a day like this that we want to eat everything in site? Im so thankful that i dont have a houseful of junk right now cause i would eat it! Donnie is on duty today and tonight so I'm guessing that is my problem, how do i deal with this when he aint here? He will be gone most of April i got to get a handle on this now and learn how to cope when he aint here. Any suggestions, PLEASE?
Thanks for letting me bellyache tonight , not like ya'll had much a choice! I will be better tomorrow!
What did I eat? Too much. No really I haven't done this
in a while so let me try to remember.
B-3/4 cup low sugar cereal
early lunch- 3/4 cup of spegh. ( can't spell it right)
late lunch- whopper jr from BK ( bad bad bad)
Supper- 3/4 cup blackened chicken fettucinie
No snack as of yet give me time.

I ate more than I usually do today. I had:
Breakfast: Cheerios with 1/2 banana and LF Milk
Late AM Snack: Chocolate protein drink and a few almonds
Lunch: Can't remember eating any.
Mid afternoon Snack: Peanut Butter Nabs and 1/2 c. diet coke
Supper: Taco Salad made with ground turkey, pinto beans, stewed tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, and Tostitos small round corn chips
Late Nite Snack: Little more taco salad and a few corn chips. (Stayed up too late. If I had gone to bed at the regular time, I wouldn't have been up to eat this.)
What is it with peanut butter? I had been living on it for awhile. What has helped me is signing up on ediets.com. I've been getting menus from them - not that I follow them perfectly, but it gives me some ideas and helps me eat more balanced meals.
Have a great Friday!
Deborah Ray
Recommiting to South Beachy living today...
6:00 coffee
7:30 Hi-protein slim fast shake
11:30 Hi-Protein slimFast shake
2:30 2 slices smoked cheese
3:00 coffee
5:00 Hamburger steak
8:00 Philly Swirl
9:00 Philly Swirl
10:00 Philly Swirl
I think that was it. I worked a few hours yesterday and then spent 3 hours in Hudson's!
Hey Girl , good to see you on as well! NOW WHAT does HUDSONS have ? I love HUDSONS, but ours is GONE, is it worth me driving to hattiesburg saturday, i need a day of retail therapy? One of my best friends , was in ya'll hudsons a few weeks ago and bought a TON of Bananna Republic Clothes for nothing, but i bet that stock is long gone!Guess i will have to go take all of hers , I would except they are all size 8, i need a big ole 10! haha
Hi Dawn,
Hudson's has lots of clothes, Easter stuff, lots of Books, Office Depot stuff, electronics, DVDs, Target pharmacy type stuff, gardening items, summer outdoorsy stuff, patio furniture + pool stuff. LOTS O' STUFF!
Congratulations on the size 10s! I'm not sure about which clothes they have because I can't fit into my skinny clothes right now and I will go naked before I buy bigger ones!

Thanks i might make my way up there this weekend! OOPS on that 10 just went to put on my size 12 jeans that were too big a week ago, now thay are TIGHT, but in differant places than usual! lol Im getting a BIG BUTT, I NEVER thought i would have to say that! Calling my PT to chew her out as I type ! J/k she warned me that this would happen!
B- Oatmeal
L- Mr. Greek, I hate a small portion of a philly gyro (it was a little too greasy)
S- popcorn
D- PB & Jelly sandwich (not the best choice, but what I wanted)
I did not eat much protein at all yesterday, I need to make up for that today. I have not felt like eating much this week. Trying to fight a cold and just feel YUCK..
I would suggest that you stock your fridge with fresh fruits and veggies and snack on those instead of the rest of the stuff. It is hard to turn away from the things that our body craves but sometimes we just have to either turn away or have a very limited amount to get rid of the craving.
Best of luck,