aint it weird how different people treat you?
hey everybody!
I was just noticing today how different people treat you when you lose weight. It seems like people you work with are nicer to you, men take a second look, just everyone in general acts different than they did before i had wls.
Has anyone had a similar expierience? Im still a long way from goal, I still am considered obese, (ie I stil have a big ole booty!
LOL) but I am a long way from where I started, almost a 100 pounds.
im just curious, I think its sad in a way because Im the same person I was before the surgery, I am just learning to be more confident and my self esteem has improved too
well yall take care

I honestly havent noticed a differace , people are always nice to me! I do feel more confident now verses a year ago , in talking to strangers . Im a quite person anyway so for me to start a conversation with the person in line at the gorcerie story rarely happens , but i have noticed that I make more eye contact with people, so i guess that makes it easier for them to talk to me. I personaly think it is my attitude that has changed im more approachable now, I STILL will not just talk to strangers unless they start the conversation, but thats just me!
Im along way from my goal too, so i might be a little bit more open to talking to people when I get down to 140 lbs........nah i doubt it! hehe
I lost alot of weight one time and you are totally right. - people treated me completely different. I had no idea it was that bad until I saw the other side. It was a world of difference from strangers to friends, they all seemed to prefer the skinny me. The fat me is alot more loveable but guess they missed out
I didn't have to deal with being skinny long

I can honestly say as far as my close friends and close family members do not treat me different. Nor do my co-workers but as Dawn said I think my confidence level is so much higher than before I make more eye contact and talk more freely to other people. It is nice when men take an extra look but then again I always remember that they prob would have never done that in the past unless they were looking again to see how huge I was. lol lol
Men OMG! SOME are such PIGS! I have noticed that i do get more horns blown at me , It must be my good looks cause it sure couldnt be my bad driving: rofl:!!! No seriously i guess i must still be too fat cause i never get second looks, when do you get skinny enough to start getting these looks that so many people talk about?
Sorry, I can't answer as far as that goes right now but something was said about horns honking,etc. It reminded me about when I was pregnant with my 2nd DD. I was driving in front of the mall & was slowing for the red light, window down & these 2 teenage boys were riding bikes. I heard "ooohh baby" It was one of those that made ya think they were interested & not being jerks. Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh & pat my huge belly (8 months or more along, they didn't know since they couldn't see in the car) & say to myself "yeah, they'd think ooooooh baby".

Crystal, I have had various reactions.... Those that are very jealous pretend like you look just the same, they do not say a word. Then there are the curious who mention that you have lost and want to know if you are sick. Then some just point blank ask how you have lost weight. Others are just shocked and cannot believe it.. Really true friends are happy for you and tickled pink that you are looking and feeling so good, and yes, I have had a few men turn around to have a look at me, even at my age! LOL! It is a funny feeling cause I didnt realize how much discrimination exists against fat people until I lost this weight, now people cannot do enough. It is very sad and bad that people cannot see you as you are, but I have to admit that now I feel very sorry for some of my collegues who are eating themselves to death. But I keep my mouth shut because I know that they have to make a decision for themselves and they have to WANT to lose weight and live a different life style. It is a very personal choice for us all......

Girl I have noticed big time. Mainly the way people look at me. I am by no means bragging but I have actually had men to hit on me since I lost weight and that never happened before. They couldn't see past the weight to get to know me. It is funny this was on here cause Wayne and I were just talking about it today. He said he has even noticed how people treat me different. But I guess the good Lord had a funny way of working things cause Wayne is the only one to see past my weight and he is probably the only one who would ever put up with me LOL.