Hi yall DH got a date to move his last day at work is June 16th so we are going to leave miss on the 19th or 20th .. I am going to miss it here we love miss . I hope yall will keep in touch I plan on hanging around this board if yall dont mind.. I will think of myself as a miss girl not a fla girl
we are going to try and move back here after DH's time is up in the keys . We want to buy a house here and come back when DH gets out of the coast guard . ..
been nice knowing ya! dont let the door hit ya where the dog just bit ya, osta la vesta, see ya later alagator, after while crocodile,
I hate goodbyes, I hate the milatary life , all my friends leave me! I dont want anymore friends, so all yall just stay away from me!LOL I only want online friends from now on they follow you everywhere you go, you dont have to deal with all this !
Guess i might miss ya a little bit?
HUH no thanks Andie , Key West aint my style can't be that far away from a decient mall LOL and Jax is WAY to BIG for me to drive in , i would hate to turn into one of those women that have to have there hubbys drive them everywhere( ROFL INSIDE JOKE SORRY)! We are thinking of Destin, Fl. for our next station, but that will be in a year so i will have to tough it out here until then, I'm making lots of new friends though so it will be hard to leave when the time comes. I do love south mississippi though i will come back when Donnie retires , hopeful by then all this mess will be cleaned up!
p.s. i aint a whiner, just dont like to say BYE thats all, i say it so soft that you can't even hear sometimes! haha