should i be eatin low carb?
Hey yall
Im a little confused again, Im still not sure exactly what I should be eating, my doc says I should eat a wide variety of foods, but when i look at some of your posts (the what did you eat today posts) I see a lot of low carb atkins style meals and I was just wondering what would maximize my weight loss.
As you can tell I had little or no training on what to eat, I've just kind of had to figure all this out by myself. As of right now, I've been eating what ever i want except fatty meats, sugars and greasy foods.
Just from ya'lls experience, what helps you lose weight the fastest?

Oh lord! LOL I havent had much training in what to eat either.BUT here is what works BEST for ME, might not work best for you though. I TRY( NOT SAYING I ALWAYS DO IT) to eat high protein but wiht lots of GOOD veggis and some fruit, and GOOD FOR YOU CARBS!!! Whole grain breads, and if I have to have pasta i make sure it is whole grain,not semolina! And i do skim milk , and other dairy food cottage cheese , yogart, low fat cheese.You are being ver wise to avoid the fatty, greasy, sugary foods! In my OPINION i dont think it is wise to cut out Whole food groups , i think we need the carbs. MAKE sure you are getting in those fluids they are realy important to keep those lbs coming off! OH and i dont know if i have mentioned it or not on this board , but EXERCISE! LOL you knew that was coming, didnt you? lol START now dont wait until you are 8-9 mos out like me , i wasted alot of time on sitting on my fat behind.
I think I expect things to be low carb just because I equate low sugar with low carb. (thanks to dr. adkins) plus, pre-packaging of this low-carb stuff is easy access to someone looking for convenient low-sugar.
as a nurse, i don't think it's healthy to go strict low/no carb. i think variety is best....something from all the groups. and i think less convenient (not pre-packaged) is healthier, but i just can't seem to follow that in my real life.
I try, and I use that loosely, lol to eat low carb. Actually This weekend we found out at our seminar that everyone in the world should follow a low carb, low calorie, low sugar, low fat diet. NOw that is not saying NO sugar, No carb, No fat at all. You can have all that but basically everything is just about portion control. And I have decided to not call it a diet but controlled eating habits. When you say the word diet the brain automatically goes into stress worrying about what you are not going to be able to have. I do buy some of the south beach diet stuff cause it is low carb, low sugar and low calories and it is fast. I am not a breakfast eater and I have found that the breakfast wraps are a good option for me to have. Just try and make sure you have true whole grain starches such as bread and pasta. and of course your protein always needs to be taken into account. I try and have three meals and about two to three small inbetween meals. I dont call those snacks because that word means to me yummy things such as chips and little debbie cakes. sounds silly but sometimes the words we chose to use can really effect how we chose foods and can up our craving for bad foods. Hope this helps!