I actually talked to Tams!!!! She called me!!!! She sounded really good! At last weigh-in, about 2 weeks ago, she had lost 110 lbs! She is still in the hospital and physcial rehab is working with her helping her to relearn to walk. She says she is still having trouble getting her brain to tell her body parts - knees, feet, arms, hands, etc - what to do, but is feeling better and is steadily getting stronger! The nutritionist informed her she needed to be eating 1800 calories a day!!!! Well, you know our Tams, she gave them what for! And told them to lay off that and gave them the speel about what she can and how much she can eat.
Ya'll I feel so much better having actually talked to her. I had bout given up cause I figured she had and was very worried and upset about her. Keep her in your prayers - they are talking about transfering her to UMC, which would be good for me and she would have access to Dr. Salameh!
I feels better!

Could you get an address for her at the hospital? We could flood her with I love yous.
I was sitting at dinner Sat night in Chesterfields with friends and all of a sudden I said "I didn't wish Arlies a happy birthday"---Christine said that was last week wasn't it? I said yes but I just thought about it. Duhhhh
Anyway Happy birthday a day or two late.
OMG... Consumed with all that is going on in my life... I even called you and talked to you and totally forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday. Please forgive me.. You know I love you..
I hope you had a great birthday and lots and lots more of them to spend with all of us.. We love you!
Rhonda, J and Brandon!!