did ya eat today?
Ok i know that most of ya'll dont like this post, but I'm bored out of my mind i got to find something to do or im gonna start grazing!
B~ 1/2 cup raisin bran and skin milk
S~ handful of cashews
L~ grilled chicken salad from chicfila with lemon juice for dressing
S~handful of goobers( chocolate covered peanuts, just incase ya'll dont know what a goober is)
D~protein shake
hubby gone to a big fancy shin dig at country club, im home drinking a stinking protein shake mad cause i didnt get a sitter! GRRR
Shoulder pain is much better today , so i done a ton of housework and yard work. Drank about 64 oz of h2o took my vits. yahda-yahda

Girl, you know I always post with you on this one. But I have been in therapy all weekend. This is the last day. So, I guess this is for Saturdays eating. Kinda confused about what day it is LOL. That therapy is hard work.
Here is what I had Saturday:
B almost 1/2 ham/cheese omelet and 1/2 biscuit with gravy
S 1/2 of Neeney's beef/cheese stick
L 1/2 turkey sandwich with fresh fruit
S None
D grilled fish, broccoli, a few sw pot fries, bite of Neeney's pasta
dipped fish in tartar and broccoli in ranch
S None
haha. okay, dawn, now that i'm a month out and introducing more regular food in, I think I'm gonna post some, too.
as for Saturday--
B = scrambled egg and 2 TBS grits
L = 2 TBS mashed potatoes and 1 TBS english peas
S = another bite of english peas
D = 1/2 cheese enchilada (what on earth possessed me to think that I could eat this---I craved it, loved eating it and felt fine until about 30 minutes later....then i dumped.
felt sick all evening)
I have really got to do better with this. Weekends are hard for me--that's when we always go out to eat and when I always eat too much.
I don't drink enough water either. I do lots of decaf splenda tea, though..and flavored water.

Everything looks pretty good to me Mary, i wish i could get by with eatting that little still! I ate stuff earily out too that didn't sit well with me , i still can't tolarate Chinese food, but I keep trying it over and over, get sick every single time too! I'm stubborn or stupid one, dont know which it is , maybe a little of both! I count decaf tea and flavored water as WATER intake as long as it's don't have caffine its WATER ! haha
Am I gonna have to come aaalllllllll the way from HK to give you a big old whuppin for Grazing????? STOP right NOW!!!! LOL!
2 cups coffee
2 pieces of nut bread with butter (did not set well with me)
12 pm Diet Coke on the way to the beauty shop to have my hair cut and colored, it looks so pitiful!!!
2 cups Jasmine tea
3 pm 2 bites chicken and green salad from MC D's (not fit to eat)
Diet coke
5:30 Sauted beef and veggies, rice, soup About 3 or 4 bites of each and I was full
THEN the grazing began when I got home.......
20 parched peanuts in the shell
20 or more seedless red grapes
1/2 c. fresh strawberries with Splenda
3 almond cookies, low sugar
Just could not get the right thing............. I will do better tomorrow!!!!