OT Diapers & pull ups on clearance @ Save Rite
Hi. We no longer have a Winn Dixie but you could check there too since in the past they usually had the same close outs as Save Rite.
Some super mega packs of Luvs were $7.99
Somer Pampers diapers & Easy ups were $5.24
I bought 1 pack sz 6 diapers & 3 packs 3t/4t Easy ups for my DD#3. She's been potty trained since she was 2 1/2 or so but I but them on her to protect her skin (severe eczema) from any night time accidents.
Thats great prices but I hate I didn't have more coupons. Only had 1 for $1.50. What I bought should last for 3 months though!