In a Slump!! Need Help?
I need some information on getting out of a slump. I haven't lost any weight in about a month. Will someone please give me some good information on what to do, any advice will be appreciated. I'm kinda getting freaked out about this. I hope my weight loss hasn't stopped. Did this happen to anybody else. What can I do. Help Pleasssssse.
Nan Manning

Yes,it happened to me too. I lost good the first 3 mos, then i didnt loose at all, a few pounds here and there for months, i mean about 10 lbs is all i lost in 5 mos time. I FINALLY kicked up the exercise and i have lost over 10lbs in 3 weeks not to metion the inches i have lost. I dont know how much you are exerciesing now, so it might not apply to you. It sure helped me , it has changed EVERYthing for me i NOW finally feel like a new person, the surgery didn't do this for me thats for sure I done it myself. How is your diet are you eatting too many carbs, not enough protein? Or maybe you arent getting enough cals , it could be alot of things, if you still have wt left to loose then you aint done , you just need to change things up a bit. Hope i helped if not sorry! Heck,i dont know who i am trying to give advice i need some myself! haha
Try setting times to eat.Three times for meals and Three times for a small snack.If you get hungry in between meals, try drinking sf hot cocoa, crystal light, or flavored water. I have foun the weeks that I drink carbonated beverages I do not lose as much. I think it is the sodium.
I hope this helps!
If you need a walking partner, let me know.
Sonya Sumrall

Nan, my loss stopped for about 2 months too. I thought that was the end of it, and then, boom down I went again! I think that your body has to do some catching up and when you do not lose pounds, you will lose inches. It feels to me sometimes like I am a Shape Shifter like those guys in Star Trek! Just follow the diet, drink lots of water and walk a lot, it will come off!