
Anyone have overweight kids?

Melissa S.
on 3/22/06 4:48 am - Laurel, MS
My oldest DD will be 11 in July. She has been chunky since 1st grade. She is almost my height (5' 2) & 120- 124 #s. It drives me crazy. I know I need to (soon it'll be done no matter what before my surgery) keep all the junk & bad food choices out & make her get out & exercise more. It's so stressful to me that she is already overweight. She had her cheerleading physical last night & her blood preasure was 140/90. They told me I should get it rechecked later. I'm hoping it was just nerves but High blood preasure runs in the family & she is overweight. I'm hoping , if not befoer, after my surgery she'll drop extra pounds. She is signed up for cheerleading & softball. Of course after my surgery everyone will have to cool it with the junk or I'll have to kick their rears. anyway!
Arlies Q
on 3/22/06 5:14 am - Brandon, MS
Yep. Jon was a big ole boy, but college has taken his extra off him. Em was pretty stocky, but is slimming up just about as fast as me now! I told her that at 14, she is too young to diet, but did need to make BETTER choices and she has been really good at it. In fact, several of the times I have given clothes away at luncheons, part of the clothes were hers that have gotten too big for her. However, Jim is the gainer now! And I LOVE it!!!!! Your kiddos will lose weight after your surgery! Esp if you quit cooking like I have! smoochies Arlies Jon has prolly lost about 75 lbs and Em has lost about 40 to 50. Jim has prolly gained 20 or 30....but that's okay, as long as he is GAINING, I am not worried about the return of the big C.
on 3/22/06 9:22 am - Brandon, MS
Yep, I'm waiting on Em's 16s, and when is the next lunch? We'll get together on that soon I hope...D.
Arlies Q
on 3/23/06 6:17 am - Brandon, MS
Poke me every onct in a while to remind me....Em has gone off on her Venture trip (That's talented and gifted class) and I won't have her home till Saturday.... Lunch??? How's about Logan's at Dogwood??? They have the bestest best loaded potato soup....yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....soon??? smoochies Arlies
on 3/23/06 9:40 am - long beach, MS
Did i tell you that my big Baby Reed , got accepted into the talented and gifted program ? I'm so proud of him, he's so smart, didn't get it from, me! lol
Miss Liss
on 3/22/06 5:24 am
After my surgery I changed the way I cooked and the things I had around the house to snack on. And my son really slimmed up. He grew taller too during that time, but overall during the first year after my surgery my son lost about 23 pounds. And he and my daughter ask about sugar content on things and such. They are learning to be good healthy eaters. I hope the obesity in our family stops with me. I hope I am instilling good habits in my children that will last them a lifetime. Melissa
on 3/22/06 5:47 am - long beach, MS
My 10 yr old son is 5'4 and wts 135lbs, hes overweight, it drives me nuts! People tell me hes not FAT, hes just big, thats what they used to say about me too, look where that landed me! I give him a hard time about it , yhea i know bring on the Flames, i need them. I cant control my mouth sometimes and i crawl all over him for overeatting, im a hipacorite(sp)! I know i need to stop staying on him , its only makeing it worse, he says hes fine with his body and he feels good about his body , he likes being the biggest kid in school, nobody messes with him! lol I dont usually bring alot of junk food in the house, BUT the DH does, i have tried to stop him , but he dont listen to me! Reed is like me though he can overeat on green beans, and brocolli! LOL Oh and Reed and the DH have both gained wt since my surgery, they eat all of the food that i can't! haha Dh has lost some, thank goodness, i like thin men! lol DAWN~~
Arlies Q
on 3/23/06 6:21 am - Brandon, MS
LEAVE THAT BABY ALONE!!!!! Whup up on Donnie and get the bad stuff out and talk to him very, very nicely about HEALTHY good choices....That's what I did with EM....explain he is way, way too young to diet, but he CAN make better choices....Do you feel the heat of the flames yet????? I will turn it up if'n ya don't!!! smoochies Arlies
on 3/23/06 9:37 am - long beach, MS
OK OK i'm letting him eat me out of house and home ! haha I TRY to explain it to him and he will make good choices a few days then he falls off the wagon, (don't know where he gets that from, lol) . Me and Mr Donnie are gonna have to have a coming to the Lord over this , hes got to stop buying chips , cookies, candy, SODAS !!!!!!!!
Janie Bell
on 3/22/06 5:50 am - Poplarville, MS
My youngest daughter is 7 yrs old. She is 4ft 3 inches and 100 pds. Solid as a rock!!!! Jane
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