Getting to know you
1. What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it? I am an Administrative Assistant for the Aviation Resource Management office at Keesler Air Force Base. If I had my choice now, I would be a lawyer right now making $250-$350 an hour.
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with? My cousin Lori, we were born 10 days apart and were like sisters growing up. We still keep in touch, so I guess you could say we have been friends all of our lives, 34 years.
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch? Like them, mostly watch, but will ride sometimes, however I am a scaredy cat!!
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life? "That's what I'm talkin bout"
3 words that people say that you just hate? Huh? Awww Man, and whassup?
1. I am in the field of accounting. I handle the finances and books of two stores currently. I wish I had gone into the field of nutrition. I would love to be doing that. But, hey, it is not too late I don't guess. Maybe one day I will come up with a way to go back to school. I have an MBA already so all I would need are the nutrition classes.
2. My oldest friend that I am still in contact with is Andrea. We have been together since first grade.
3. I love fairs and carnivals and amusement parks. The scarier the ride the better. Upside down and everything.
4. What up, dog? I can't stand that. I guess because I have teens hanging out at my house all the time and I hear it so often. Heard it today while chaperoning Petal's choir at District Competition.
5. People say alot of things that grate on my nerves. Can't narrow it down LOL.
Medical transcription (oncology, leukemia, cancer stuff) for Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York (work at home). Love my job most of the time. Wish I had of gone on to practitioner school. Might get back into nursing.
Donna Tharp Williams - met when I was in 10th and she had just graduated, but best of friends - We even married brothers (I got the jerk who is now an ex), but she and I are still really good friends. Wish we could get together more.
Love fairs, love to ride but after 3 get pretty sick.
Don't know, maybe "whatzup dog".
GD is the most untolerable word to me to the n'th degree. The "N" word is right up there at the top too. Other words taking Lord's name in vain, although I let them sneak in my vocab too.
Thanks, Christine, these are always interesting even when I do not have time to add to. D.
What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it?
I am the Queen
and therefore rule the world!!!!!!!! Actually, I am disabled, but would LOVE to be a CPA....and may yet!
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with?
Closest old friend is Ronnie Hode from Waveland....Have known him longer than Jim....since I was about 21 or 22....let's see that'd be about 27 or 28 years now....Still keep up with some school friends that I have known FOREVER - Billy Ray Walters is one....Have known him, oh, about 49 years today!!!! But am closer to Ronnie than anyone....
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch?
I LOVE carnival food - or used to....Am a big chicken since 6 Flags over GA and the upside down roller-coaster back in the early 80's.....
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life?
My all time most despised phrase is "win-win solution" cause it bout always indicates that the other person is gonna "win-win", but you are gonna "lose-lose" your butt!!!!!!n If someone is gonna win, then SOMEONE is gonna LOSE!
3 words that people say that you just hate?
Wal-martS - I hate it when folks add the S to Walmart....
Ain't - I told my kiddos it was a curse word when they were little!!!!
the "n" word - just makes me cringe - especially when the race it is normally used against uses it against another of the same race - makes me want to start slapping folks!!! Also told my kiddos this was a curse word when they were little!
Thank you Christine!!! I love these things!!!