Getting to know you
I will do it again...
What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it?
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with?
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch?
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life?
3 words that people say that you just hate?
1. Work in Finance at a newspaper - Do Payroll for 130 people. Would have loved to have been a teacher. Not elementary but Jr. High or High School.
2. Stephanie - known her for 13 years. She and I were born on the same day just different months and then our daughters were born on same day - different years.
3. I love fairs and carnivals - Will ride most things except rides that stop upside down.. Its a fat thing...
4. DO IT - from that stupid movie.
5. HUH - SUP - WHADDUP ---- I say them though.. HAHAHA
What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it? I do all private ins billing for a mental health facility. also post all self pay money and make all revenue deposits. I would have prob made sure that i was very very rich no matter what i chose. hee hee
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with? LInda Lindsey known her since we were both 5 years old. her dad was our preacher way back when and we started kindergarten together. so lets do the math that would be 33 years and we still talk at least once a week.
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch?the scary the better on the rides. love love love it!
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life? how you doin the joey line from friends. lol
3 words that people say that you just hate? Oh my God. I say this and i hate when I say it. It is almost like taking the Lords name in vain. Something i really need to work on myself is saying this phrase.
What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it? Office manager / dispatcher for an appraisal service. I wish I was at home taking care of my family but my dream profession would have been child psychologist.
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with? Judy (we keep in touch but we aren't the best of friends anymore..kinda live different lives
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch? Watch, I'm a scaredy cat
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life? Git er done
3 words that people say that you just hate? cursing/cussin' (the big words)
RE: Getting to know you
What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it? -- I work as a cashier in a casino atm, but transferring back to a blackjack dealer shortly. I really wanted to be a veterinarian but lacked the attention span in college.
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with? -- I've moved around a lot and not really kept in touch with anyone. My oldest friend that I keep in touch with is online, we talk just about every day.
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch? -- I've always loved to go, and the bigger the ride, the better.
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life? -- Any phrase that begins with "We was ....... "
3 words that people say that you just hate? -- people that say "mines" instead of mine, "fo" instead of four, and "axe" instead of ask.
I dont do nuttin for a living! I'm just a houseslave! I wish i wouldhave gone on to xray school was about to when i got pregers with my first baby then i backed out to stay with him that was ten years ago, guess im to old and stupid to go now! Hubby is in the coast guard so i realy need to work we need the money , even though he has a so called second job, he plays porker on the side to make my extra spending money!lol
My bestest friend in the whole world we have been best friends from the first day i meet her i was in 9th grade she was in 10th it was her first day at our school , her name is Angie Parnell! LOVE That girl , nobody on this earth understands me like she does, i got to call her i miss her now!
No fairs or carnivals for me those people that hang out at them things are NASTY! I wont ride any rides either i will
!!!!!!! I live to go to Disney , but that aint the same as a carnival, is it?
i have no idea what phrase i could go without hearing, im pretty tolarent of most things, if i dont like it i ignore it, try not to get worked up over other peoples stupidity!
AIN'T & CAN'T-- dont like my kids to use those words even though i do. Oh and i also CAN'T stand to hear people take the Lord's name in vain, ya'll know that i AIN'T (haha) perfect i say a four letter word from time to time.

Homemaker and pastor's wife--selfemp-do office work and some deliveries.
I finished in teaching but would love wedding or party planning.
Jennifer from ages ago. Still talk every week. Friends for 20 years
I love fairs and carnivals--watch only and used to eat a whole lot
People that say We wuz-------- also I done instead of I did.
anyways drives me crazy too instead of anyway.
Keep it up Christine
1. I am a supply tech for L-3 Vertex Aerospace, (contractor to US AirForce) I wish I had the money to open my own hair salon. I am a licensed hairstylist, but I just can't make enough money working for someone else.
2. Adeline- she is from the Phillipines, but she and I used to cut hair together at WalMart.
3.I love theme parks and carnivals and rides, hopefully I will like them much more when I get to goal weight.
4."What can I do you for?" (ie what can i do for you?)
5.fattie, freak, lardbutt
(been called fattie and lardbutt by a few people in my lifetime)

1. I am a supply tech for L-3 Vertex Aerospace, (contractor to US AirForce) I wish I had the money to open my own hair salon. I am a licensed hairstylist, but I just can't make enough money working for someone else.
2. Adeline- she is from the Phillipines, but she and I used to cut hair together at WalMart.
3.I love theme parks and carnivals and rides, hopefully I will like them much more when I get to goal weight.
4."What can I do you for?" (ie what can i do for you?)
5.fattie, freak, lardbutt
(been called fattie and

What do you do for a living and What profession do you wish you would have gone into if you are not already doing it? Unfortunately I am disabled but hope to change that one day. I loved my last job and it is my dream job, I guess, it is trucking. I loved being able to travel and see the country and meet the interesting folks all over the states.
Oldest friend (longest) that you still keep in contact with? Perry we grew up together on the coast and we are still like brothers
Do you like fairs and carnivals and ride the rides or jus****ch?I love em and now that I am smaller I want togoand ride the rides again.
Phrase you could go without hearing for the rest of your life? Sorry we dont have a chair you can sit in.
3 words that people say that you just hate?Guess what I heard. That really bothers me for some reason and I do catch myself sometimes saying it. I try not to though or are you sittind down cause that is usally bad news following