how did ya'll do today?
B~chocolate mint protein shake
high impact step aerobics class 1 hr and 30 min work out on abds with PT
L~payday protein bar~~ ok these are gone now i wont buy anymore they are way to good and have too much sugar!
D~1oz baked porkchop and 1/4 cup salad greens 2 grape tomatos w/h lemon juice for dressing and 1/4 cup stewed squash and 3 fried squash
I guess the donuts and cheetos that i ate this weekend didnt hurt me too bad ! I done my weekly weigh in at the gym today i have lost 4 lbs this past week for a total of 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks that i have been working out with my PT!!YHEA GO ME !!! I bet it would have been 6 lbs if i hadnt ate those cheetos and donuts !

B: Sausage Biscuit from Wards
L: Chicken Strips, Peice of Toast and couple of fries from Guthries (YUMMY)
S: Couple more Chicken Strips
D: Couple bites of Emilys chili dog (Sonic) and 3 taquitos in cheese dip
Sugar Free all day but the carbs were a killer...
4 SF Red Bulls and 3 cups of coffee--ZERO WATER