Getting to Know you...
You left off Oscar. I thought we decided those personalities were retired LOL. We have plenty of other personalities. We don't need Oscar and Satan.
I have heard that song. I really think the whole CD is good. Everybody is tired of me singing unwritten, but I can't help myself. I love it.
Bye, Oscar
Favorite Song of the moment and Favorite song of all time: My redeemer lives. of all time...?? I LOVE music so that's too hard
Last Movie you watched for the first time at theatres or at home?
Walk the line
Nickname: Jereni (means Peace)
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered:
I haven't been here long enough to know
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect: I collect crosses from different places we travel or friends give me ( small collection of dolphins)
Favorite Song of the moment and Favorite song of all time:
Of the moment: "Pick Me Up On Your Way Down" Martina McBride/Timeless CD
Of all time: "Amazing Grace"
Last Movie you watched for the first time at theatres or at home?
"North Country" at home.
Nickname: "Little Missy"
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered:
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect one day:
I collect costume jewelry.

Long time no see. You looking good girl. Come over and visit us over here more often and help us liven things up.
How are things in Alabama? I went home to Alabama last weekend staying with family and visiting and catching up with friends. I did a little shopping at the Vanity Fair Outlet and stocked up on Healthtex because you can't get it any cheaper anywhere else.
Well anyway just thought I would say hello.
Melissa (formerly of Alabama turned Mississippi girl)
WE all been waiting on you to do it , Christine! LOL
I dont have a fav song at the moment, i do turn her up when that song , i dont know the name of it but it goes something like "let me see ya A" haha sorry it is nasty but it makes me want to dance anyway!
And my fav song of all time is a hymm "how great thou arth" NOW theres two songs that are nothing alike! BOy my momma would be proud!! LOL
I cant remember the last movie i saw I don****ch movies much , i cant be still that long. I did watch part of Lady and the Tramp this weekend, does that count? lol
I have several nicknames, Donnie calls me BIRD, and buggalou! LOL my momma calles me dawnie-wannie , they call me MULE at the gym now so thats my new nickname , not so sure i like it very much! haha
I miss KITSY she used to be on here all the time, now not so much!
I would love to collect more pottery i have a few pieces , of susan freeman pottery that i love , my kids have broke several of my nice pieces!
I need to start a money collection!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeayy someone finally picking up the GTKY series! Kudos to Tweedle Dum!!!
Did y'all get too scared of the wind and rain today? hehe. I heard all about it over here in Florida
So what was the question, oh yeah.
Favorite Song of the Moment: Shakira.. Underneath your Clothes *g*
Favorite Song of all time : Aerosmith " Dont wanna miss a thing "
Movie? Saw PINK PANTHER with Steve Martin a few weeks ago and that 'Date Movie' ( it sucked ! )
Nickname : Andie and MOMMY
Member you remember most from this board and who has disappeared: ~~~~~~~~ME? ~~~~~~~~~~ lol
Fetish : hmm.. I got this thing for men in uniform..
OHHHH.. what do I collect or would like to collect one day:
( duh ) I collect Dreamsicles