Getting to Know you...
Why isnt someone else doing this? I am just nosey..
Favorite Song of the moment and Favorite song of all time:
Last Movie you watched for the first time at theatres or at home?
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered:
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect one day:
Favorite Song of the moment and Favorite song of all time: Believe by Brooks and Dunn / Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac
Last Movie you watched for the first time at theatres or at home? At home - Walk the Line / Movies - Star Wars (one of them episodes - the one where she had the babies)
Nickname: Neen or Bebop or Dum
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered: Kristi Etheridge and Sandra Thompson
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect one day: Would love to start collecting fairy stuff.. Been saying I was going to start -just havent.
You forgot one of your famous nicknames... but I won't go there...\
Favorite Song of the moment - Jesus take the Wheel, by Carrie Underwood. Favorite song of all time would be Air Supply, Making Love out of nothing at all
Last movie watched: At the movies was yesterday, we went to see Shaggy Dog, it was a very good family movie
Last movie I watched at home: don't know the name of it, one of those Lifetime movies
Nickname: Hmmm... Rhonda Honda, Skinny Minny, Skinny Huzzy, Rhonda Lou (why I don't know), my most favorite recent one would be "hot stuff" but I am not sure if that one actually fits or not.
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered: I would have to say Sandra Thompson and of course our dear Becky, I hope they are both doing fine... We miss you!!
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect one day: I would have to say since the storm, I only collect dust... LOL.. before the storm I had quite a few collectibles, Mary Moo Moo's and other animal figurines, also had a collection of beer bottles from different countries that they guys at work would bring me back. I had two from Germany, one from France and one from Peurto Rico. But I lost all of that..

1. My favorite song right now is by Natosha Bettingfield (sp). Unwritten is the name of it.
2. The last movie I saw was Friday night with my hubby. We saw Failure to Launch. It was really good.
3. I have several nicknames. Depends on who you ask. My daddy calls me Missy bug. My two best friends from high school called me Missy Lissy as I am known on here sometimes. And of course the infamous Tweedle Dee along with my bestest friend and side kick Tweedle Dum.
4. Hmm, don't know on this one. Who has disappeared lately?
5. I used to collect Tea pots and tea sets. I have enough now so I quit.
Favorite Song of the moment and Favorite song of all time: "Hell Yeah" and of all time now don't laugh but Hello by Lionel Richie.
Last Movie you watched for the first time at theatres or at home? Last movie we went to was Walk the LIne and last one at home was "the Fog"
Nickname: Deedee
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered:Sorry to say I dont know many on here.
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect one day:I love cat stuff. In fact I have a whole spare bedroom done in cat stuff.
Favorite Song of the moment and Favorite song of all time: Honky Tonk Badonkonk by Trace Atkins and my fav song of all time is Life Happened by Tammy Cochran
Last Movie you watched for the first time at theatres or at home? I guess the last movie I watched at the movies was The Skelton Key (man that as been a while)
Nickname: My dad and aunt call me babygirl everyone else usually calls me Joycey or Joyceeeee
Member you remember most from this board who has disappered: Really not sure.
Fettish - what do you collect or would like to collect one day: I collect Dale Earnhart JR and SR stuff. I am a big nascar fan, and I collect Dolphins. I used to collect Angels till my room got full.
I love doing these things.